Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Analysis of the Influence of Local Creators on Securing Relational Populations in Local Cities
Authors 이창현(Lee, Chang-Hyun) ; 박지영(Park, Jiyoung)
Page pp.23-36
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 로컬크리에이터; 관계인구; 지역살이; 장소정체성; 구조방정식 Local Creator; Relational Population; Local Living; Place Identity; SEM(Structural Equation Model)
Abstract This study is to test the hypothesis that the activities of local creators will influence the formation of place identity and the attraction of relational populations in the face of population decline and the threat of disappearnce crisis facing local cities in Korea. To test this, the study conducted a mediating effect analysis and in-depth interviews targeting the younger generation, considered as having a high potential for population influx. The results of the analysis are as follows: Firstly, the activities of local creators had positive impacts the attraction of relational populations, environmental and psychological factors related to local cities, and satisfaction with local living programs. Secondly, satisfaction with local resources and physical environments showed no correlation with relational populations, while psychological factors to the region positively affect relational populations. Thirdly, in the relationship between the activities of local creators and the attraction of relational populations, only psychological factors exhibited mediating effects. Thus, the activities of local creators and participation in local living programs in underdeveloped cities contributed to the short-term maintenance of relationships. Therefore, strategies to foster a sense of community consciousness are deemed necessary to establish sustainable connections. This study is significant in deriving the role and importance of private entities in revitalizing and ensuring the sustainability of local declining cities.