Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Impact of Physical Limitations and Perceptions of Pedestrian Environment on Depressive Mood Among the Aged People
Authors 오성훈(Oh, Sunghoon) ; 이소민(Lee, So-Min)
Page pp.53-70
ISSN 15980650
Keywords 보행환경; 고령자; 신체적 제약; 보행 이동성; 우울감 Pedestrian Environments; Aged People; Physical Limitations; Walking Mobility; Depressive Mood
Abstract While Korea is rapidly changing into super-aged society, it is anticipated that the increasing level of depression can affect aged people’s overall quality of life. This study aims to examine the impact of both physical limitations and perception of pedestrian environments on aged individuals’ depression. A case study site was selected for empirical analysis for the aged in a neighborhood walking environment. The pedestrian environment condition consists of the safety and convenience level perceived by senior citizens, as well as the spatial area where essential services can be accessed. First, this paper concludes that the higher satisfaction level due to the convenient use/access of essential services facilities in the residential walking environment, the more significant effect of alleviating depression appears. Second, it was confirmed that the greater the level of difficulty experienced in daily activities such as walking, exercising, and socializing with neighbors, the more the impact of increasing depression was experienced by respondents. Third, the greater reluctance or discomfort experienced due to mobility limitations worsens depression symptoms. These results indicate that both the physical conditions of the aged population and the quality of the residential walking environment have a significant impact on their levels of depression. Furthermore, improving the walking environment and implementing mobility support policies can enhance the elderly’s quality of life and reduction in depression.