Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea
Title Analysis of Changes in Urban Space Usage for Alleviating Depression Before and After COVID-19 - Application of KoBERTopic Model with Social Media Bigdata
Authors 김혜빈(Kim, Hyebin) ; 이수기(Lee, Sugie)
Page pp.109-125
ISSN 15980650
Keywords COVID-19; KoBERTopic; 우울; 소셜미디어; 토픽모델링 COVID-19; KoBERTopic; Depression; Social Media; Topic Modeling
Abstract With COVID-19 emerging as a global social issue, there has been a worldwide increase in major depressive disorders. Understanding the role of urban spaces in addressing depression among city dwellers is a crucial issue. This study analyzed the changes in the utilization of urban spaces in Seoul before and after COVID-19, using social media big data and topic modeling techniques. The data were collected by web crawling the widely used social media service ‘Naver Blog’ during the COVID-19 period, extracting text content, and collecting attached location information. The key findings of the analysis are as follows: First, the density of geo-tagged locations in previously dense hotspots such as ‘Gangnam Avenue’ and ‘Hongik University station’ decreased after COVID-19. Second, new hotspots emerged near residential areas and ‘Seoul Forest’ that did not exist before COVID-19. Third, keywords related to urban parks and open spaces, such as ‘park’, ‘Seoul Forest’, and ‘Han River’, newly appeared with a notable increase in the importance of keywords like ‘park’ and ‘stroll’. The results of this study are significant in confirming the spatial characteristics of how urban residents utilized urban spaces to alleviate depression before and after the COVID-19 period.