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  • 한국과학기술단체총연합회
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Title An Improvement of PWM Method for Single Phase Current Source Type Active Power Filter
Authors 박인규 ; 박종근
Page pp.254-262
ISSN 1975-8359
Abstract In the active power filter, the PWM method for controlling the power converter plays an important role for the performance and the efficiency of the filter. In this paper, a new PWM method for the single phase current source type active power filter is presented, which is intended particularly for obtaining the maximum efficiency of the compensation. This method is basically based upon the optimized injection method, but in contrast to the existing method, this method adapts the optimized injection method by putting not only the pulse width, but also the pulse position into control variables. By doing this, when the number of pulses per one cycle is N, lower order harmonics up to the Nth order can be completely eliminated by the filter. So, this method is much more efficient than any other existing method. These characteristics are well verified by the computer simulations and the experiments.