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Mobile QR Code QR CODE : The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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  • 한국과학기술단체총연합회
  • 한국학술지인용색인
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Title A Study on the Design of Railway Electornic Interlocking Software Based on Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling Technique
Authors 김종선(Kim, Jong-Sun) ; 유지윤(Yoo, Ji-Yoon)
Page pp.439-446
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Electronic interlocking system ; ROOM(Real-Time Object-Oriencted Modeling) ; real-time operating system
Abstract This paper considers the design technique of the real-time control algorithm to implement the electronic interlocking system which is the most important station control system in railway signal field. The proposed technique consists of the structure design and the detail design which are based on the ROOM(Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling). The structure design is designed with a modeling using the heuristic search technique which, at first, catch and make out the specific requested condition, and then, is designed on the requested condition. The detail design can be implemented if it may get the satisfying values through the repetitive modeling after comparing and examining the data obtained from the structure design in order for the more reliable and accurate system to be implemented. The technique proposed in this paper is implemented with C++ language which is easy to be transferred and compatible with the existing interfaces, and also the operating system is designed and simulated on the VRTX which is a real-time operating system. This proposed technique is applied to the typical station model in order to prove the validity as verifying the performance of the modeled station.