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Title A Study on the Customer Voltage Characteristic of Distribution System with Large Scale PV
Authors 김병기(Kim, Byung-Ki) ; 유경상(Ryu, Kyung-Sang) ; 김찬혁(Kim, Chan-Hyeok) ; 노대석(Rho, Dae-Seok)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2012.62.1.029
Page pp.29-36
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords PV system ; Distribution system ; PSCAD/EMTDC ; Customer voltage ; Reverse power flow ; SVR
Abstract This paper deals with the analysis of the customer voltage characteristic in distribution system interconnected with large scale PV system. There would be many power quality issues which are caused by reverse power flow of PV system interconnected with distribution system. In order to analyze the effect of PV system on the customer voltage, detailed modeling method of distribution system and modified modelling method of PV system are proposed using PSCAD/EMTDC in this paper. So far, less than dozens KW of PV system can be simulated with the existing modelling method. Therefore, a new modeling method which can simulate the large scale PV system is proposed by considering the relationship equation on the phase and voltage in the current control algorithm. From the simulation result of proposed modelling method, it is confirmed that an optimal operation method in distribution system is suggested by analyzing the effect of PV system on customer voltage.