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Title Robust Psoriasis Severity Classification by using Data Augmentation
Authors 문초이(Cho-I Moon) ; 백유상(Yoo Sang Baek) ; 최민형(Min Hyung Choi) ; 이언석(Onseok Lee)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2022.71.12.1841
Page pp.1841-1847
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Psoriasis; Severity classification; Data augmentation; EfficientNet B2
Abstract Psoriasis is a chronic recurrent disease formed by lesions such as erythema and scale. To evaluate the severity of psoriasis, the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score have been used in clinical trials and studies. This clinical indicator is subjective, so to overcome these shortcoming, various automatic psoriasis analysis methods based on deep learning have been studied. However, the limited number of data and psoriasis characteristic such as ambiguity of severity deteriorate model performance. One of the simple and powerful methods to overcome these problem is data augmentation. Data augmentation should be used according to data characteristics. Therefore, we analyzed and compared the classification results applied with five data augmentation methods, Geometric transformation, CutMix, Visual Corruptions, AutoAugment, RandAugment, and explored data augmentation method suitable for psoriasis severity classification. We used the EfficientNet B2 for psoriasis severity classification. As a result, when RandAugment or the combination of Geometric transform and Visual Corruptions were used, it showed the best classification performance with an accuracy of 87.5%. In addition, we confirmed the effect of data augmentation for improving model performance and the difference in performance according to single or multiple applications of the data augmentation methods. Through these results, our study can be applied to various studies as a data augmentation method suitable for psoriasis disease image.