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Title DPWM Strategy for CHB Multilevel Converters in EV Charging Stations Considering Reliability of Power Semiconductors and Capacitors
Authors 김민솔(Min-Sol Kim) ; 고영종(Youngjong Ko)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.12.2264
Page pp.2264-2271
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Cascaded H-bridge converter; Reliability; Power semiconductor; DC-link capacitor; Discontinuous Modulation Schemes
Abstract The Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converter offers advantages in reliability, power quality, and efficiency over non-modular topologies.
However, variations in electrical and thermal parameters within individual cells can lead to uneven lifetimes, causing disproportionate degradation of capacitors and power semiconductors. This necessitates individual lifetime management to enhance system reliability and lower maintenance costs. Active thermal management has been explored to reduce thermal stresses and improve power semiconductor reliability, yet the reliability of DC-link capacitors is often overlooked. This paper examines the impact of different modulation schemes on the reliability of DC-link capacitors and power semiconductors in CHB converters. It then proposes an optimal modulation strategy for managing component reliability and validates it through experiments.