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Title High-Repetition Pulse Dielectric Barrier Discharge Characteristics According to Flow Rate Changes
Authors 김성훈(Seong-Hun Kim) ; 김진규(Jin-Gyu Kim)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.12.2305
Page pp.2305-2311
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords High-repetition; Pulse DBD; Discharge current; Lissajous curve; Flow rate
Abstract A nanosecond pulse dielectric barrier discharge (NPDBD) technique is attracting attention due to the fact that it produces uniform discharge and energetic electrons at atmospheric pressure. However, there has been a lack of research on NPDBD characteristics when high-repetition pulses can be processed quickly in a short period of time. Therefore, in this study, in order to identify the characteristics of high-repetition NPDBD according to flow rate, discharge characteristics were analyzed through discharge current and the Lissajous curve. As a result, as the flow rate increased, charge transfer decreased, wall voltage dropped due to a reduction in residual charge, and a current delay occurred. In addition, the breakdown voltage increased, and fillamentary discharge formed. This study's findings are expected to be extremely useful in the future when high-repetition nanosecond pulse power supply is used for efficient processing in a short period of time in a variety of plasma-based applications.