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Title Position Detection of Distant Human Respiration Using 4×4 Phased Antenna Array
Authors 박진광(Jin-Gwang Park) ; 김동원(Dong-Won Kim) ; 사공준(Jun Sagong) ; 한희제(Heeje Han) ; 김홍준(Hongjoon Kim)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.12.2312
Page pp.2312-2317
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Phased Array Antenna; Left-Handed Transmission Line; Phase Shifter; Beam Steering
Abstract This paper proposes a respiratory detection and localization system using a Phased Array Antenna (PAA). In this system, we used 4×4 phased array antenna with Left-Handed Transmission Line (LHTL) type phase shifter, which has advantages on miniaturization and simple control. The whole scanning area was 3 m × 3 m and the area was divided into 4 squares whose individual area was 1.5 m × 1.5 m. Beam steering of the PAA was conducted for four directions (up down left right) from the center with +30°, -30° bias angle to scan these individual areas. Using the fabricated PAA and respiration detection algorithm, this radar system was able to locate the position of human respiration and its frequency with 94 % accuracy from 3.5 m distance.