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  • 한국과학기술단체총연합회
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Title Evaluation the Energy Use Efficiency of a Major Railway Station Considering Cooling and Heating Degree Days
Authors 신승권(Seung-Kwon Shin) ; 송한솔(Han-Sol Song)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.12.2414
Page pp.2414-2421
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Main Railway Station; Cooling and Heating Degree Days; Degree Days Energy Efficiency Ratio(DDEER); Energy use Efficiency
Abstract This study proposes an evaluation methodology that considers cooling and heating degree days(CDD, HDD) to assess the energy use efficiency(DDEER) of major railway stations. Although railway stations have been classified as transportation and logistics facilities, and thus exempt from energy efficiency regulations, they are now included under the carbon emission control measures of the 2050 Carbon Neutral Roadmap. Consequently, systematic energy management is required for railway stations. To address this need, this study developed a methodology to evaluate energy use efficiency by comparing energy consumption with cooling and heating degree days using a standardized Z-score. Data were collected from 28 major KTX stations across the country over a three-year period (2021 2023), including both energy consumption and meteorological data. The analysis was then applied to three selected stations ? ? Yongsan, Suwon, and Yeongdeungpo to assess their energy efficiency. The results indicate that energy efficiency is generally lower ? during the heating season compared to the cooling season, and significant fluctuations in energy use were observed during transitional months (March and October). These findings suggest a need to review and improve the internal operation standards for heating and cooling systems. The proposed methodology provides a valuable tool for prioritizing energy management and improving energy efficiency in railway stations, contributing to the overall goal of achieving Zero Energy Building (ZEB) certification.