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  • 한국과학기술단체총연합회
  • 한국학술지인용색인
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Title A Study on Loss Analysis and Economic Evaluation for Electrical Fire Prevention Based on Statistical Data Analysis
Authors 임용배(Young-Bae Lim) ; 정다연(Da-Yeon Jung) ; 김창수(Chang-Soo Kim) ; 신동준(Dong-Joon Shin)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.12.2490
Page pp.2490-2495
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Electrical Fire; Fire Cause; Risk Assessment; Loss of Life; Monetary Loss; Electrical Fire Likelihood; Electrical Fire Impact
Abstract This paper utilized statistical data to assess the losses caused by electrical fires and proposed a risk assessment methodology grounded in electrical fire statistics. The proposed methodology quantified the monetary value of human and material losses to evaluate the economic benefits of electrical fire prevention measures. These findings provide a foundation for assessing the cost-effectiveness of electrical fire prevention strategies, including the implementation of technologies such as arc-fault circuit interrupters and other advanced prevention devices. The study compared the time in service of a building's electrical wiring with the frequency of electrical fires and confirmed that wiring aging, previously regarded as a major hazard, is less significant than earlier assessments suggested. Furthermore, an analysis of electrical fire distribution across various types of multi-use facilities revealed how fire frequency and severity vary, offering insights into targeted strategies for mitigating electrical fire risks.