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Title Design of Digital Twin Framework for Electrical Safety of Energy Storage System
Authors 김유나(You-Na Kim) ; 태동현(Dong-Hyun Tae) ; 모영규(Young-Kyu Mo) ; 황민(Min Hwang) ; 우필성(Pil-Sung Woo) ; 김영석(Young-Seok Kim) ; 송길목(Kil-Mok Shong)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2024.73.12.2528
Page pp.2528-2535
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Energy Storage System; Digital Twin; Safety Diagnosis; Protection Map; Framework
Abstract Recently, the industry has been paying attention to energy storage devices to resolve intermittency as renewable energy generation increases. However, the ESS (Energy Storage System) industry continues to shrink due to a series of ESS fires that have occurred recently in Korea. Accordingly, KESCO (Korea Electrical Safety Corporation) analyzed 59 cases of domestic energy storage device fires or failures. As a result, the battery interior, battery room environment, and operation were defined as being very important to safety. This paper presents a digital twin framework that performs real-time monitoring and simulation to perform various failure cause analysis and safety diagnosis. This digital twin framework presents about 21 data management items, including 8 items for protection maps, 6 items for artificial intelligence algorithms, and 3 items for battery status, 3 items for battery environment, and 1 item for battery operation related to data collection.