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Title A Study on Optimization and Augmentation Techniques for Improving the Performance of CADx System for Cat Skin Disease
Authors 원형식(Hyeong-sik Won) ; 박재범(Jae-beom Park) ; 조현종(Hyun-chong Cho)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2025.74.1.135
Page pp.135-141
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Cat skin disease; CADx; Mixup; Augmentation; Deep learning; Inflammatory lesion
Abstract In modern society, the number of households raising pets is increasing. As pet ownership increases, the cost of treating companion cats is also rising, with a significant portion of these costs going toward the treatment of skin diseases. Skin diseases are among the common ailments in pets, and swift action is required if they occur in cats. However, early lesions lack distinctive characteristics, making accurate diagnosis difficult. Therefore, this study proposes a CADx(Computer-Aided Diagnosis) system that classifies images of cat skin conditions into inflammatory lesions, non-inflammatory lesions, and normal images using a dataset of cat skin diseases. We selected the ConvNeXt model, based on CNN, which can learn regional information and features. To learn various patterns of skin lesions, we applied Mixup, an image augmentation technique. When Mixup was applied, the model accuracy was 0.8679, showing a 3.35% improvement compared to the original dataset. Additionally, Lookahead Optimizer was applied to ensure stable learning of Mixup. When both Mixup and Lookahead Optimizer were applied, the model accuracy was 0.8741, showing a high improvement of 3.97% compared to the original dataset. Therefore, the Lookahead Optimizer helps with the stable training of mixup, which can improve the performance of the model.ㅍ