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Title Development of a Localization System for a Self-Driving Tram Vehicle
Authors 박성원(Sung-Won Park) ; 전희균(Heegyun Jeon) ; 황현철(Hyeon-Chyeol Hwang) ; 곽재호(Jae-Ho Kwak)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2025.74.1.170
Page pp.170-177
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Localization; Dead reckoning; Self-driving
Abstract This paper deals with a localization system design for a self-driving tram vehicle that runs on a tramway track. In general, GNSS is widely used for the localization of self-driving vehicles. However, since the tram vehicle’s motion is constrained to a tramway track and GNSS signal is not always available, it is important to devise a system that can utilize other available information along the route and provide reliable localization upon the vehicle’s request. To address the issue, a localization system is developed combining GNSS/INS, tachometer, tag, and digital map. The developed system is evaluated on an actual test field and the feasibility of the developed system is validated through the test.