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Mobile QR Code QR CODE : The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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  • 한국과학기술단체총연합회
  • 한국학술지인용색인
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Title A Study on Selecting Specialized Areas for Distributed Energy and Developing Business Models
Authors 김현진(Hyeon-Jin Kim) ; 김치연(Chi-Yeon Kim) ; 윤아윤(Ah-Yun Yoon) ; 김영진(Young-Jin Kim) ; 허재행(Jae-Haeng Heo)
DOI https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2025.74.3.392
Page pp.392-403
ISSN 1975-8359
Keywords Distributed Energy Systems; Renewable Energy Expansion; Candidate Site Selection; Business Model Development; Sustainable Energy Systems; Pohang Case Study; Standardized Selection Process; Energy Transition Strategies
Abstract With climate change mitigation and carbon neutrality becoming global policy priorities, expanding renewable energy is a critical challenge. However, the conventional centralized power system faces significant limitations, including power losses from long-distance transmission, public opposition near generation and transmission facilities, and the intermittency and unpredictability of renewable energy sources. To address these challenges, the Korean government enacted the Distributed Energy Activation Special Act in June 2024, aiming to foster a transition towards a distributed energy system centered on renewable energy. Despite this legislative initiative, the lack of standardized procedures for selecting candidate sites for distributed energy-specialized regions has impeded systematic implementation. This study proposes an eight-step selection process to identify candidate sites for distributed energy-specialized regions and validates its applicability through a case study in Pohang. The framework evaluates regional energy demand and self-reliance potential while suggesting tailored distributed energy business models that address local characteristics. By providing a structured and replicable methodology, this study supports the realization of national energy self-reliance goals and the establishment of sustainable distributed energy systems, offering actionable strategies and guidelines for widespread adoption across diverse regions.