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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
  • Indexed by
    Korea Citation Index(KCI)
Title Electro-Optical Characteristics of the UV Aligned LCD Cell
Authors 이병순(Lee, Byung-Soon) ; 이호영(Lee, Ho-Young)
Page pp.223-226
ISSN 1229-800X
Keywords EO characteristics ; Liquid crystal ; Nematic Liquid crystal ; Ultra violet alignment
Abstract In this study, we investigated the electro-optical(EO) characteristic of fringe-field switching(FFS) mode cell by the two kinds of ultraviolet(UV) alignment method on the organic thin film(polyimide: PI). The suitable organic layersfor FFS cell and the aligning capabilities of nematic liquid crystal(NLC) using the in-situ photoalignment method were studied Disclination is observed after conventional photoalignment method for 1h, and in-situ photoalignment method for 1h. Monodomain alignment of the NLC can be observed via in-situ photoalignment method for 2h and 3h. It is considered that NLC alignment is due to photo-depolymerization of the polymer with oblique non-polarized UV irradiation on PI surface. An unstable V-T curve of UV-aligned FFS-LCD with conventional photoalignment method can be achieved. However, a stable V-T curve of UV-aligned FFS-LCD with in-situ photoalignment method(1h), and V-T curve of UV-aligned FFS-LCD with in-situphotoalignment method was much stable comparing with that of other UV-aligned FFS-LCD's. As a result, more stable EO performanceof UV-aligned FFS-LCD with in-situphotoalignment method for 3h is obtained than that of the other UV-aligned FFS-LCD's.