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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
  • Indexed by
    Korea Citation Index(KCI)
Title Synthesis of Silver Nano-particles by the Solution Plasma Sputtering Method
Authors 유승철(Yoo, Seung-cheol) ; 신홍직(Shin, Hong-Jik) ; 최원석(Choi, Won Seok)
Page pp.216-218
ISSN 1229-800X
Keywords Solution plasma ; Nano-particles ; Silver ; Sputtering ; Particle size
Abstract In this study, we used not chemical and physical synthesis method but the solution plasma sputtering method in the synthesis of silver nano-particles. Synthesis of all the silver nano-particles was conducted for 1hour in 360 ml of distilled water and characteristics of changing the input voltage and frequency of the synthesised silver nano-particles by using the solution plasma sputtering method were analyzed through FE-SEM(Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscope). We changed the input voltage from 8 kV to 10 kV in steps of 1 kV, input frequency from 20 kHz to 30 kHz in steps of 5 kHz in the solution plasma reactor with the advanced device which can control the DC voltage and frequency. We confirmed that the size of silver nano-particles were larger according to the change of the input voltage and frequency.