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The Transactions P of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleTrans. P of KIEE
  • Indexed by
    Korea Citation Index(KCI)
Title Development of a Distribution System Analysis Program Considering Various Distributed Generations and Distributed Generation Connection Codes
Authors 유재현(Jae-Hyun Yoo) ; 최승연(Sungyun Choi)
Page pp.223-230
ISSN 1229-800X
Keywords Fault Analysis; Isolated Operation; Power Flow Analysis; Hot Switching
Abstract This paper presents a distribution system analysis program developed based on various distributed generations (DGs) and distributed generation connection codes. The program can perform an accurate analysis to improve the stability and reliability of the distribution system, considering the fault characteristics of the inverter-based DGs, the DG isolated operation, and the DG connection codes.
Finally, the program can use the multi-slacks in the case of loop distribution systems. This paper deals with establishing and verifying an interface to the analysis program.