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Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleKorean J. Air-Cond. Refrig. Eng.
  • Open Access, Monthly
Open Access Monthly
  • ISSN : 1229-6422 (Print)
  • ISSN : 2465-7611 (Online)
Title An Experimental Study on Energy Reduction of an Exhaust Air Heat Recovery Type Outdoor Air Conditioning System for Semiconductor Manufacturing Clean Rooms
Authors 송근수(Gen-Soo Song) ; 유경훈(Kyung-Hoon Yoo) ; 강신영(Shin-Young Kang) ; 손승우(Seung-Woo Son)
Page pp.273-281
ISSN 1229-6422
Keywords 외기공조시스템 ; 클린룸 ; 외기부하 ; 에어와셔 ; 세정집진기 ; 열회수 Outdoor air conditioning system ; Clean room ; Outdoor air conditioning load ; Air washer ; Wet scrubber ; Heat recovery ;
Abstract In recent semiconductor manufacturing clean rooms, the energy consumption of outdoor air conditioning systems represents about 45% of the total air conditioning load required to maintain a clean room environment. Meanwhile, there is a large amount of exhaust air from a clean room. From an energy conservation point of view, heat recovery from the exhaust air is therefore useful for reducing the outdoor air conditioning load for a clean room. In the present work, an energy-efficient outdoor air conditioning system was proposed to reduce the outdoor air conditioning load by utilizing an air washer to recover heat from the exhaust air. The proposed outdoor air conditioning system consisted mainly of a preheating coil, an air washer, two stage cooling coils, a reheating coil, a humidifier and two heat recovery cooling coils inserted into the air washer and connected to a wet scrubber. It was shown from the lab-scale experiment with outdoor air flow of 1,000㎥/h that the proposed system was more energy-efficient for the summer and winter operations than an outdoor air conditioning system with a simple air washer.