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Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleKorean J. Air-Cond. Refrig. Eng.
  • Open Access, Monthly
Open Access Monthly
  • ISSN : 1229-6422 (Print)
  • ISSN : 2465-7611 (Online)
Title Tracepro Simulation Design and Evaluation for the Double Blind Light Pipe Daylighting System
Authors 강은철(Eun-Chul Kang) ; 이의준(Euy-Joon Lee) ; 유성연(Seong-Yeon Yo)
Page pp.515-520
ISSN 1229-6422
Keywords 이중블라인드 ; 광파이프 ; 채광 ; 집광부 ; 전송부 ; 산광부 Double blind ; Light pipe ; Daylighting ; Light collector ; Light transformer ; Light distributor ;
Abstract A daylighting system includes three parts; light collector, light transformer and light distributor. A DBLP(Double blind light pipe) daylighting system consists of a double blind light collector, a mirror duct type light transformer and a prism film light pipe distributor. The double blinds for a light collection are used to track the sun’s altitude and azimuth movements throughout the day. Behind both sets of blinds is the light transformer, which is based on a rectangular cone shaped light duct. The light transformer was designed to efficiently deliver the light into the light pipe within a 30 degree radial spread for the efficient light into the distributor. In this study, DBLP system efficiency was simulated, evaluated and optimized by Tracepro as a popular ray trace light design simulation program. The results indicated that DBLP system efficiency evaluated a maximum 22.4% in case of Spring/Fall season solar noon time. While the overall average system efficiency in the morning and afternoon is evaluated about 10%.