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Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering

ISO Journal TitleKorean J. Air-Cond. Refrig. Eng.
  • Open Access, Monthly
Open Access Monthly
  • ISSN : 1229-6422 (Print)
  • ISSN : 2465-7611 (Online)
Title A Study on the Development of Decision-making Tool for Improvement Plans in the Preliminary Planning Stage of Building Retrofit
Authors Huijing Yan ; Jumi Baek ; Sowoo Park ; Ji Soo Shim ; Doosam Song
Page pp.131-142
ISSN 1229-6422
Keywords 에너지 성능 평가; 그린리모델링; 의사결정; 에너지 절감 전략; 기존 건물 실제 사용 환경 Building energy performance analysis; Building retrofit; Decision making; Energy saving strategy; Existing building actual performance
Abstract To achieve 2050 carbon neutrality in the building sector, the government is pushing for mandatory zero-energy buildings for new buildings and green remodeling to significantly improve energy efficiencies of existing buildings. In this study, we developed a green remodeling decision-making tool in preliminary planning stage that could calculate costs and perform energy performance analysis in the initial stage of creating an Excel-based user's input error based on ISO 13790, an internationally recognized building energy performance evaluation logic, to support green remodeling decision-making. Energy performance analysis through simple input was conducted and real-time linkage with ISO 13790 was used through application of technical elements for each target building to propose a plan to show the optimal energy saving effect for the target building. Final results are shown through a readable picture only for the optimal combination. Through case studies using the program, the optimal combination of technical elements was calculated with simple input and usability of the program was shown.