A Study on ESD Protection Circuits using STACK Technology with High Holding Voltage and Bi-directional Characteristics for High Voltage Applications
Fairness Analysis of Multi-tenant Applicationson Multi-Instance GPUs
Collection of Gas Leak Sound Data using Virtual Environment
Visual Attention Analysis System for Children using on Deep Learning Model of Gaze Estimation with Video Stabilization Structure
Improving the Execution Speed of Transformer-based Object Tracking Models through Multi-head Attention Parallelization
Reinforcement Learning based HVAC Control and Simulation Technique
GAN-based Synthetic Generation of Seamless License Plate Images using Pseudo-labeling of Image Registration
Spatio-temporal Interpolation to Estimate Temperature on Target Site with Kalman Filter
Graph Transformer SlowFast Model-based Child Abnormal Behavior Analysis System
Proof of Utkin’s Theorem for TSMC of Second Order Uncertain Plants