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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title An Experimental Study on the Pullout Failure Behavior of Post-installed Concrete Set Anchor
Authors Ratha Suth ; 유승운
DOI jksmi.2014.18.1.040
Page pp.40-47
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 앵커간격 ; 연단거리 ; 매입깊이 ; 후설치 콘크리트 앵커 ; 뽑힘파괴 ; 세트 앵커 Anchor interval ; Edge distance ; Embedment depth ; Post-installed concrete anchor ; Pullout failure ; Set anchor
Abstract Recently the use of concrete post-installed set anchors has been increasing because this constructing method is flexible and easy to attach or fix structural members when we repair, reinforce, or remodel structures. Accordingly, designers and builders of Korea depend on foreign design codes since there are no exact domestic anchor design codes that they could credit. The anchor in plain concrete loaded in tensile exhibits various failure modes such as concrete breakout, splitting, steel failure, pull-out and side-face blowout, that depending on the tensile strength of the steel, the strength of concrete, embedment depth, interval, the edge distance and the presence of adjacent anchor. The objective is to investigate the effects of the variations like anchor embedment depth, interval and edge distance on pull-out fracture behavior of post-installed concrete set anchor embedded in plain concrete.