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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Experimental Study on Tension-Hardening and Softening Characteristics in Reinforced Mortar with CSA Expansion Agent
Authors 최세진 ; 안중길 ; 박기태 ; 권성준
DOI jksmi.2014.18.1.101
Page pp.101-110
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 인장경화 ; 인장연화 ; CSA 팽창재 ; 균열 ; 초기균열하중 Tension-Hardening ; Tension-Softening ; CSA expansion agent ; Crack ; Initial cracking load
Abstract Expansion agent is a very effective admixture for prevention of cracking due to autogenous/drying shrinkage and this can induce internal chemical prestress to embedded reinforcement. In this paper, tension-softening and hardening in cement mortar with steel and CSA expansion agent are experimentally evaluated. Cement mortar with steel reinforcement is prepared and tensile strength test is performed for evaluation of cracking and tensile behavior. In spite of slightly reduced strength and elasticity in CSA mortar, significantly increased tension-hardening behavior is evaluated in CSA mortar with induced chemical prestress. Furthermore previous tension softening models are compared with the test results and improvement are proposed.