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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Estimation of System Damping Parameter Using Wavelet Transform
Authors 이석민(Seok-Min Lee) ; 정범석(Beom-Seok Jung) ; 홍석우(Seok-Woo Hong)
Page pp.30-37
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 감쇠변수 평가 ; 웨이블릿 중심주파수 ; 웨이블릿 변환 Damping Parameter Estimation ; Wavelet Center Frequency ; Wavelet Transform
Abstract The estimation of system damping parameter of the response signal with lower natural frequency and higher damping parameter from free vibration is affected by the wavelet center frequency. This study discusses these considerations in the context of the wavelet’s multi-resolution character and includes guidelines for selection of wavelet center frequency. The experiment with H-Beam and numerical examples with respect to three cases (i)single mode, (ii)separated modes and (iii)close modes demonstrate the validity of method to improve the accuracy of the estimated damping parameter. The localization of the corresponding scale for the total scales is determined by the natural frequency of the analysing mode and is affected by the wavelet center frequency. Thus, the reliability for the accuracy of the estimated damping parameter can be improved by the corresponding scale of the natural frequency for the analysing mode is localized at the half of the total scales.