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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Evaluation of Service Life in RC Column under Chloride Attack through Field Investigation: Deterministic and Probabilistic Approaches
Authors 권성준(Seung-Jun Kwon)
Page pp.67-74
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 내구성 설계 ; 정략적 방법 ; 확률론적 방법 ; 겉보기 확산계수 ; 실태조사 Durability design ; Deterministic method ; Probability method ; Apparent diffusion coefficient ; Field investigation
Abstract RC (Reinforced Concrete) structures are considered as cost-benefit and durable however performances of structural safety and durability are degraded due to steel corrosion. Service life in RC structure is differently evaluated due to different local environmental conditions even if it is exposed to the same chloride attack. In the paper, 25 concrete cores from field investigation are obtained from 4 RC columns with duration of 3.5∼4.5 years exposed to sea water. Through total chloride content measurement, surface chloride contents and apparent diffusion coefficients are evaluated. Service life of the target structure is estimated through deterministic method based on Fick's 2nd Law and probabilistic method based on durability failure probability, respectively. Probability method is evaluated to be more conservative and relatively decreased service life is evaluated in tidal zone and splash zone over 40.0 m. Chloride penetration behavior with coring location from sea level and the present limitations of durability design method are investigated in the paper.