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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Heavy-weight Impact Sound Characteristics of Floor Structure of a Small-Sized Wall-Slab Apartment Building having Joist Slab
Authors 천영수(Young-Soo Chun)
Page pp.8-15
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 바닥충격음; 중량충격음; 장선슬래브; 장선 춤과 간격 Floor impact sound; Heavy-weight impact sound; Joist slab; Joist depth and interval
Abstract In the present paper, as a way of reducing heavyweight impact sounds, in particular, among floor impact sounds which have come to the forefront as a social issue recently, a floor joist slab is proposed that is expected to bring an effect of reducing heavyweight impact sounds through a shift in the natural frequency by installing a floor joist on a flat-type slab to increase the rigidity of the floor slab, differently from the existing method that increases the thickness of floor slab, and the heavyweight impact sound characteristics depending on the floor joist height and interval are interpretively analyzed. As a result of the analysis, though a trend is shown where the sound pressure level decreases as the slab thickness of floor joist increases, and as no difference is shown when thickness is above a certain value, it is thought that there is a threshold for the effect of an increase in floor thickness on blockage of heavyweight impact sounds. Also, as an increase in floor rigidity resulting from an increase in the floor joist height and a decrease in the interval does not lead to a consistent increase in the performance of blocking heavyweight impact sounds, it is thought that a different floor joist height and interval should be applied to each type of house to expect optimum performance of blocking heavyweight impact sounds, and an increase of 100mm in the floor joist height or a decrease of about 100mm in the interval is expected to bring an effect of reducing heavyweight impact sounds by about 1dB to 2dB.