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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title An Experimental Study on the Quality and Crack Healing Characteristics of Repair Mortar Containing Self-Healing Solid Capsules of Crystal Growth Type
Authors 오성록(Sung-Rok Oh) ; 김철규(Cheol-Gyu Kim) ; 남은준(Eun-Joon Nam) ; 최연왕(Yun-Wang Choi)
Page pp.59-66
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 치유특성; 보수 모르타르; 자기치유; 고상캡슐; 결정성장형 Healing Characteristics; Self-Healing; Solid Capsule; Crystal Growth Type
Abstract In this study, self - healing solid capsules of crystal growth type which can be mixed directly with repair mortar were prepared, and the quality and crack healing performance of repair mortar with self - healing solid capsules were evaluated. The table flow and the air flow rate of the repair mortar material mixed with self-healing solid capsules were found to have no significant influence on table flow and air volume regardless of mixing ratio. Compressive strength tended to decrease with increasing capsule mixing ratio. As a result of evaluation of crack healing properties according to constant water head permeability test, initial water permeability decreased, and reaction products were generated over time and cracks were healed.