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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Proposal of Acceleration Time History Prediction Method Based on Seismic Observation Data
Authors 이경석(Kyeong-Seok Lee) ; 안진희(Jin-Hee Ahn) ; 박재봉(Jae-Bong Park) ; 최형석(Hyoung-Suk Choi)
Page pp.15-22
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 지반가속도; 가속도계; 응답스펙트럼; 시간이력; 지진관측소 Ground acceleration; Accelerometer; Response spectrum; Time history; Seismic station
Abstract In this paper, seismic ground motion generation method based on the observbation data from the Korea Meteorological Administration is proposed to predict the acceleration time history at an arbitrary location after earthquake. The proposed method assumes that the magnitude of the seismic accelrations obtained from the near stations decreases linearly with the distance from the epicenter to the corresponding station and the accelerations measured at the adjacent stations are assumed to have similar maximum acceleration and time shape functions. These two assumptions allow for the prediction of seismic acceleartion motion without geotechnical information where no seismic accelerometer is installed. This study verified the applicability of the prediction method using seismic observation data from Gyeongju Earthquake (2016), Pohang Earthquake (2017) and Sangju Earthuqkae (2019). The comparison results show that the proposed method is effective for predicting the seismic acceleration response spectrum and time history at arbitary locations.