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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Muti-Objective Design Optimization of Self-Compacting Concrete using CCD Experimental Design and Weighted Multiple Objectives considering Cost-Effectiveness
Authors 도정윤(Jeongyun Do)
Page pp.26-38
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 자기충전형 콘크리트; 비용최적화; 다목적설계최적화; 만족도지수 Self-Compacting Concrete; Cost Optimization; Multi-Objective Optimization; Desirability Function
Abstract Mixture design of self-compacting concrete is a typical multi-criteria decision making problem and conventional mixture designs are based on the low level engineering method like trials and errors through iteration method to satisfy the various requirements. This study concerns with performing the straightforward multiobjective design optimization of economic SCC mixture considering relative importances of the various requirements and cost-effectives of SCC. Total five requirements of 28day compressive strength, filling ability, segregation stability, material cost and mass were taken into consideration to prepare the objective function to be formulated in form of the weighted-multiobjective mixture design optimization problem. Economic SCC mixture computational design can be given in a rational way which considering material costs and the relative importances of the requiremets and from the result of this study it is expected that the development of SCC mixtue computational design and the consequent univeral concrete material design optimization methodology can be advanced.