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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Evaluation of Deformation Capacity of Various Steel Springs Subjected to Tensile Loading or Uniaxial Cyclic Loading
Authors 권희용(Hee-Yong Kwon) ; 황승현(Seung-Hyeon Hwang) ; 양근혁(Keun-Hyeok Yang) ; 김상희(Sanghee Kim) ; 최용수(Yong-Soo Choi)
Page pp.1-10
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 스프링 감쇠 장치; SAE9254; SS275; 변위 의존형 감쇠 장치; 감쇠 성능; 변형능력 Spring damper; SAE 9254; SS275; Displacement-dependent damping device; Damping performance; Deformation capacity
Abstract In this study, to evaluate the possibility of using a steel spring as a displacement-dependent damping device, tensile loading and cyclic loading tests were performed. The main experimental variables were the type of steel (SAE9254 and SS275), the spring constant (700 N/mm, 1,000 N/mm, and 1,400 N/mm), and the presence or absence of heat treatment for SAE9254. As a result of the tensile test, the ratios of the measured spring constant to the design spring constant of the steel springs made with SAE9254 ranged from 1.08 to 1.13, while the ratios of the design spring constant and the measured spring constant of the steel springs made with SS275 ranged from 0.86 to 0.97. After yielding, the slope values of the load-displacement curve of the SAE9254 with/without heat treatment were about 240~251 N/mm and 92 N/mm, respectively, but the slope values of the load-displacement response of SS275 were almost zero. According to the uniaxial cyclic loading test results, all specimens were satisfied with three conditions for a displacement-dependent damping device in KDS 41 17 00 (2019): the maximum force and minimum force at zero displacement, the maximum force and minimum force at the maximum displacement, and the energy dissipation capacity. In addition, the equivalent damping ratios of steel springs made with SAE9254(non-heat treatment) and SS275 were approximately 2.8 times and 1.9 times greater, respectively, than that of steel springs made with SAE9254.