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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Effect of Crack Control Strips at Opening Corners on the Strength and Crack Propagation of Downsized Reinforced Concrete Walls
Authors 왕혜린(Hye-Rin Wang) ; 양근혁(Keun-Hyeok Yang)
Page pp.40-47
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 개구부; 벽체; 균열제어 띠; 사인장 균열; 균열치유 Opening; Wall; Crack control strip; Diagonal crack; Crack healing
Abstract The present study aimed to examine the effectiveness of different techniques for controlling the diagonal cracks at the corners of openings on the strength, deformation, and crack propagation in reinforced concrete walls. The crack control strip proposed in this study, the conventional diagonal steel reinforcing bars, and stress-dispersion curved plates were investigated for controlling the diagonal cracks at the opening corners. An additional crack self-healing function was also considered for the crack control strip. To evaluate the volume change ratio and crack width propagation around the opening, downsized wall specimens with a opening were tested under the diagonal shear force at the opening corner. Test result showed that the proposed crack control strip was more effective in reducing the volume change and controlling the crack width around the opening when compared to the conventional previous methods. The crack control strip with crack healing feature displayed the superior performance in improving the strength of the wall and reducing the crack width while healing cracks occurred in the previous tests.