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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Setting Time Evaluation on Cement Paste with Retarder Using Non-Destructive Measurements
Authors 안유리(Yu-Rhee Ahn) ; 전유빈(Yu-Bin Jun) ; 임홍재(Hong Jae Yim)
Page pp.48-56
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 지연제; 시멘트 페이스트; 응결시간; 전기비저항; 초음파 속도; 수화물 Retarding admixture; Cement paste; Setting time; Electrical resistivity; Ultrasonic wave velocity; Hydration product
Abstract Controlling the setting time of cementitious materials is one of the most important factors in securing early-age performance of concrete structures. Recently, the use of retarding admixtures, which enable the inhibition of some hydration products to control the securing time due to average temperature rise is suggested. Although various non-destructive evaluation methods have been proposed to evaluate cement hydration and hardening of cement-based materials to overcome the limitations of Vicat needle test, experimental research is still required to use the non-destructive evaluation method with added retarding admixtures. In this study, measurements of electrical resistivity and ultrasonic wave velocity in early-aged cement pastes were performed according to the addition of retarding admixture(tartaric acid). The setting time of the cement pastes was evaluated by obtained rising time of the both non-destructive measurements. As a result, the possibility of evaluating the setting delay in cement pastes was confirmed through comparative analysis with the initial and final setting times by Vicat test. In addition, X-ray diffraction results at the rising time of electrical resistivity showed a key hydration product affecting the setting delay.