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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Mix Design Process for Securing Extrudability of Concrete Containing Coarse Aggregates for 3D Printing
Authors 이윤정(Yoon Jung Lee) ; 한선진(Sun-Jin Han) ; 이상훈(Sang-Hoon Lee) ; 윤수민(SuMin Yoon) ; 김강수(Kang Su Kim)
Page pp.24-31
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 3D 콘크리트 프린팅; 굵은 골재; 압출 성능; 치수 적합성; 골재 분포도; 표면 품질 3D concrete printing; Coarse aggregate; Extrudability; Dimensional suitability; Distribution of aggregates; Surface quality
Abstract Mortar has been applied in most previous studies on 3D concrete printing. In such cases, however, the economic efficient cannot help decreasing due to higher binder contents and larger amount of fine aggregates. In order to enhance the applicability of 3D printing technology to construction industry, therefore, 3D concrete printing technology utilizing coarse aggregates needs to be developed further. This study aims at proposing the mix design process of concrete containing coarse aggregates for 3D printing. Based on extensive literature review and experimental studies, the mix proportion suitable for 3D printing has been derived, and the extrudability of concrete with coarse aggregates has been verified through 3D printing tests. The primary variable of the extrudability tests was the contents of viscosity modifying agent (VMA), and the extrudability was quantitatively evaluated by measuring dimensions, distribution of aggregates, and surface quality of 3D-printed filaments. The test results showed that the dimensional suitability and surface quality were improved as the VMA contents were larger, and the coarse aggregates were evenly distributed in the section of filament regardless of the VMA contents. Based on the test results, the mix design process for concrete containing coarse aggregates for 3D printing has been proposed.