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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Evaluation of Vertical Vibration Performance of Tridimensional Hybrid Isolation System for Traffic Loads
Authors 이용훈(Yonghun Lee) ; 이상현(Sang-Hyun Lee) ; 허무원(Moo-Won Hur)
Page pp.70-81
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 3축 면진; 교통하중; 고속철도; 수직진동; 공동주택 Tridimensional isolation; Traffic load; High-speed railway; Vertical vibration; Apartment
Abstract In this study, Tridimensional Hybrid Isolation System(THIS) was proposed as a vibration isolator for traffic loads, combining vertical and horizontal isolation systems. Its efficacy in improving serviceability for vertical vibration was analytically evaluated. Firstly, for the analysis, the major vibration modes of the existing apartment were identified through eigenvalue analysis for the system and pulse response analysis for the bedroom slab using commercial structural analysis software. Subsequently, a 16-story model with horizontal, vertical and rotational degrees of freedom for each slab was numerically organized to represent the achieved modes. The dynamic analysis for the measured acceleration from an adjacent ground to high-speed railway was performed by state-space equations with the stiffness and damping ratio of THIS as variables. The result indicated that as the vertical period ratio increased, the threshold period ratio where the slab response started to be suppressed varied. Specifically, when the period ratio is greater than or equal to 5, the acceleration levels of all slabs decreased to approximately 70% or less compared to the non-isolated condition. On the other hand, it was ascertained that the influence of damping ratios on the response control of THIS is inconsequential in the analysis. Finally, the improvement in vertical vibration performance of THIS was evaluated according to design guidelines for floor vibration of AIJ, SCI and AISC. It was confirmed that, after the application of THIS, the residential performance criteria were met, whereas the non-isolated structure failed to satisfy them.