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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Data-driven Correlation Analysis between Bridge Compound Damages and Deterioration Environment
Authors 정현진(Hyun-Jin Jung) ; 김유빈(Yu-bean Kim) ; 박기태(Ki-Tae Park) ; 김재환(Jae-Hwan Kim) ; 이종한(Jong-Han Lee)
Page pp.95-103
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 점검ㆍ진단 데이터; 열화환경 데이터; 예방적 유지관리; 데이터 기반 Inspectionㆍdiagnostic data; Deterioration environment data; Preventive maintenance; Data-driven
Abstract As the aging of domestic bridges progresses, concern about safety risks caused by deterioration are growing, which highlights the need for preventive maintenance. The current maintenance system relies largely on reactive measures following inspections, which limits the ability to efficiently monitor damage progression and timing. To address these challenges, this study aims to analyze the correlation between bridge damage scenarios and environmental deterioration factors based on inspection and diagnostic data. Data were classified into four key categories: region, construction year, deicing salt attacks, and freeze-thaw cycles, in order to derive patterns of damage occurrence. This approach enables an analysis of damage scenario trends at the overall component levels and evaluates the impact of single and compound damage scenarios at the component unit level. The study proposes a data-driven preventive maintenance plan that reflects both the structural and environmental characteristics of bridges.The findings are expected to enhance the reliability of bridge maintenance systems and provide foundational data necessary for developing future monitoring and predictive systems, ultimately contributing to the long-term performance and safety of bridges.