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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)


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Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (2023a). “Road Bridge and Tunnel Status Report.”MOLIT (in Korean).URL
Lee, H. H. (2023), Lessons Learned form the Jeongja Bridge Accident –Suggestions for Prevneting Bridge Accidents-, The Magazine of the Korean Socienty of Civil Engineering 2023, 96-100 (in Korean).URL
Jeong, Y. S., Lee, I. K., Min, G. H., and Kim, W. S. (2024), Deterioration Mechanism and Repari Methods for Concrete Decks in Bridges, Jornal of the Korea Concrete Institute, 26(4), 347-355 (in Korean).DOI
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Jung, H. J., Park, K. T., Kim, J. H., Kwon, T. H., and Lee, J. H. (2023), Development of Heterogeneous Damage Cause Estimation Technology for Bridge Decks using Random Forest, Journal of Civil and Environment Engineering Research, 44(1), 19-32 (in Korean, with English abstract).DOI
Kwon, T. H., Jung, K. S., Park, K. T., Kim, B. C., and Kim, J. H. (2023). Wireless Bridge Health Monitoring System for Long- term Measurement of Small-sized Bridges, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, 27(4), 86-93 (in Korean, with English abstract).DOI
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. (2023b), “Guidelines for Facility Safety and Maintenance (Safety Inspection and Diagnosis – Bridge Section)” MOLIT (in Korean).URL
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. (2023c), “Guidelines for Facility Safety and Maintenance (Performance evaluation – Bridge Section)” MOLIT (in Korean).URL