Title |
Performance and Safety Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Track Superstructure during Train Opera
Authors |
장종효(Jong-Hyo Jang) ; 이태규(Tae-Gyu Lee) ; 이성혁(Seong-Hyeok Lee) ; 백인혁(In-Hyeok Baek) |
https://doi.org/10.11112/jksmi.2024.28.6.142 |
Keywords |
아스팔트콘크리트 궤도; 궤도 상부구조; 동적증폭계수; 궤도강성; 특성길이 Asphalt concrete track; Track superstructure; Dynamic amplification factor; Track stiffness |
Abstract |
Asphalt concrete (AC) tracks are known to reduce maintenance costs and efforts by improving bearing capacity, enhancing the stability and durability of track structures, and reducing vibration and noise. In addition, train operation can be started quickly after asphalt paving is completed, and the track can be quickly restored in the event of major deformation due to derailment, etc., and it is a recyclable material. In this study, the main design parameters, such as dynamic amplification factor, rail deflection, track stiffness, and rail stress, were compared and analyzed between theoretical formulas and measured values based on the measurement results conducted four times per season on the AC track installed on the Icheon-Chungju section of the Central Inland Line, focusing on the superstructure. The research results confirmed that the AC track secures performance and safety that meet domestic and international design standards.