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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title A Study on the Changes in Surface Properties and Hydrophobicity of CAC-blended Mortar with Varying Mixing Ratios of Hydrophobic Solutions
Authors 윤현웅(Hyun-Woong Yoon) ; 박성현(Seong-Hyun Park) ; 박연준(Yeon-Jun Park) ; 김영환(Young-Hwan Kim) ; 오홍섭(Hong-Seob Oh)
Page pp.11-16
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords 칼슘알루미네이트 시멘트(CAC); 시멘트 복합체; 소수성; 배합비; 표면 특성 CAC(Calcium Aluminates Cement); Cement composite; Hydrophobicity; Mixing ratio; Surface properties
Abstract This study investigated the effects of incorporating hydrophobic admixtures into mortar, replacing Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with Calcium Aluminate Cement (CAC), to enhance the durability of cement-based composites. Results showed that while the addition of hydrophobic admixtures significantly improved the hydrophobicity of the mortar, it also led to a decrease in mechanical strength. Regression analysis was conducted to quantitatively determine the correlation between the dosage of hydrophobic admixtures and the mechanical properties of the mortar, revealing a decreasing trend in strength with increasing admixture dosage. Although the relationship between surface roughness and hydrophobicity was explored, a clear correlation was not found. This study provides fundamental data for determining the optimal dosage and mix proportion of hydrophobic admixtures and can be used as a reference for improving the performance of mortar.