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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title An Analytical Study on the Form-work Shoring Period of RC Flat Plate Structure Considering Story and Floor Construction Cycle
Authors 김준영(Jun-Yeong Kim) ; 백은림(Eun-Rim Baek) ; 이상호(Sang-Ho Lee)
Page pp.27-36
ISSN 2234-6937
Keywords RC 플랫 플레이트 구조; 거푸집 동바리 존치기간; 구조물 층수; 층당 시공주기; 유한요소해석 RC Flat plate structure; Form-work shoring period; Story; Floor construction cycle; Finite element analysis
Abstract Recently, collapses of RC slab occurred, and when the form-work shoring is removed early, compressive strength of concrete is not sufficiently developed, which can cause large deflection and/or crack in the slab. Therefore, it is important to determine form-work shoring period during construction of structure. In this study, it was designed the RC structure and analyzed using finite element method, to evaluate the form-work shoring period. The results of this study are as follows; (1) The form-work shoring period was showed different according to story and floor construction cycle, so it is unreasonable to classify simply into single and multi-structure. (2) Based on the deflection and/or crack shown in the finite element analysis result, the form-work shoring period was reviewed, and revealing that a high safety margin was applied to the structures of 2 and 3-story. (3) According to the effect of specified compressive strength of concrete, the form-work shoring period can be shortened, in the case of the high strength of concrete. (4) As the thickness of slab increased, the form-work shoring period increased due to initial weight. Therefore, the standards are needed considering the influence of slab thickness.