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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)


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Jung, J. Y., Choi, J. H., Sin, S. C., Lee, B. S., Jun, M. H., and Kim, J. M. (2012), Properties of Setting Time and Early Age Compressive Strength of Concrete according to Curing Temperature, The Architectural Institute of Korea, 24(2) (in Korean).URL
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Mosallam, K., and Chen, W. (1991), Determining Shoring Loads for Reinforced Concrete Construction, ACI Structural Journal, 88(3), 340-350.DOI
Gardner, N. J., and Fu, H. C. (1987), Effects of High Construction Loads on the Long-Term Deflection of Flat Slabs, ACI Structural Journal, 84(3), 349-360.DOI
Kang, S. H., Choi, K. K., and Park, H. G. (2003), Minimum Thickness Requirements of Flat Plate Affected by Construction Load, Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, 15(5) (in Korean).DOI
Kim, J. Y. (2009), Applications of Practical Analysis Scheme for Evaluating Effects of Over-Loads during Construction on Deflections of Flat Plate System, Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, 22(1), 25-34 (in Korean).URL
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Cervenka, V., Jendele, L., and Cervenka, J. (2021), ATENA Program Documentation Part 1 – Theory. Cervenka Consulting s.r.o, Prague.URL
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Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (2021), KDS 14 20 10 (in Korean).URL
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