수 딥타 차크라보르티
(Sudipta Chakraborty)
앰디 라지불 이스람
(Md. Rajibul Islam)
(Dookie Kim)
대학원생,공주대학교 건설환경공학과
대학원생,공주대학교 건설환경공학과
교신저자,교수 공주대학교 건설환경공학과
Copyright © The Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection
풍하중과 지진하중 응답, O자형 건물, 불연속 보부재, 선형 정적해석
Key words
Wind and seismic responses, O-shaped building, Discontinuous beam, Linear static analysis
1. Introduction
During earthquakes, the failure of many buildings has been ascribed to the irregularity
of the structure (Archana and Akbar, 2021). A structure with regular configuration should have enough strength, stiffness, and
ductility that ultimately can prevent occurring huge amount of deformation (Kumar and Sreevalli, 2020 and Choi et al., 2016).
In modern days customers prefer more irregular or iconic shapes (Mouhine and Hilali, 2020) rather than regular shaped structures, and the increasing construction of high-rise
buildings with increasing seismological impact, and scarcity of land (Neeraja and Anish, 2022) worldwide have enhanced the challenges connected with structural irregularity (Bekele and Angelo, 2022; Massone et al., 2021; Mwafy et al., 2006). As the height of buildings is increasing, it is more before considering that a structure
can resist vertical or lateral load such as earthquake and wind load (Verma et al., 2022) rather than cost-effectiveness (Firdose et al., 2022 and Seo et al., 2010).
The collapse of structures that occurs during an earthquake is due to vertical and
horizontal irregularities and introduces a discontinuity in the distribution of mass,
stiffness, and strength along the vertical direction (Syriac 2021). The horizontal and vertical irregularity occurs due to torsion and significant variation
in stiffness, mass, and dimensions in its elevation, respectively (Islam et al. 2022; Mohammadzadeh and Kang, 2021; Poudel, 2021; SNI, 2019; Abdel Raheem et al., 2018; Mwafy and Khalifa, 2017; IS1893, 2016; Mazza 2014). The new Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC 2020), which is a provincial adjustment
for ASCE 7-05, has reasonably more appropriate loading provisions for ensuring safety
and ductility (Hasan et al., 2022; Habib et al., 2016).
In the last decade, numerous researchers have performed on the static, seismic, or
dynamic performance of different irregular building structures. Ahamad at el. (2021) and Mouhine and Hilali (2022) aimed to evaluate the seismic vulnerability of multi-storied irregular building structures
by perfoming dynamic analysis. Oggu and Gopikrishna, (2020) primarily focused on vulnerability assessment of three-dimensional irregular RC building
frames under bi-directional single and repeated ground motions and assessed the inelastic
behavior of the structure. Nazri et al. (2018) studied the seismic vulnerability of buildings with setback irregularity and presented
the fragility curves of regular and irregular moment-resisting frames using different
heights, materials, and ground motion records. Wakchaure and Ped (2012) and Nair and Akshara (2017) conducted a seismic analysis of reinforced concrete buildings using static and dynamic
analysis methods.
The building configuration involves plan irregularities such as geometric irregularities
and discontinued beams on various floors. The performance was studied in terms of
lateral displacements, story drifts, bending moment, axial force, and torsion by linear
static analysis using a code ACI 318-11 (ACI Standard, 2011) considering seismic zone 3 (Sylhet) in Bangladesh. The entire modeling, analysis,
and design were carried out by using ETABS nonlinear v9.7.1 software. The entire process
of this research is clearly illustrated as a flow chart in the Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 Schematic work flow
2. Modeling
The target building of this current study was moment resisting reinforced concrete
(RC) buildings. ETABS (extended 3D analysis of building systems) is a software that
integrates all major static, dynamic, linear and non-linear analyses. The main intention
of the software is to design multi-Story buildings in the process of the system. In
this current research linear static-elastic analysis was performed in four different
structural frame systems utilizing ETABS v9.7.1 software. In this research, shell
element was used and 609.5×609.5 mm mesh size was considered regarding ETABS analysis.
The design code ACI 318-11(ACI Standard, 2011) was followed for analysis considering the “Sylhet” seismic zone. This code includes
26 load combinations and 18 of which are similar to the BNBC code regarding concrete
and steel structure. However, DCON1-6, DCON15-18, are related to concrete structures
and employed to design the model as depicted in the Table 1. ENVD is the combination of all these loads.
Table 1 Details of load combinations
Case Details
LC type
Summation of DCON1-DCON18
*LC-Load Combinations
Actually, in this study totally 4 types of building system were considered, mainly
Model-A and Model-O and model A is a general moment resting building system. In case
of Model- A1, A2 and A3 where beam discontinuity was applied to the generalized structural
system of model-A as depicted in the Table 2. So, in Model A was improvised in three building systems (A-1, A-2, & A-3) according
to the arrangement of beam continuity throughout the all-story level. Moreover, the
building and material properties of Model-A-1, A-2 and A-3 was fully similar as Model-A
as these three models were replica of Model-A just change was in their beam continuity
part. One of the horizontal irregularities is occurred due to discontinuity of beams.
The behavior of reinforced concrete frames which have frame discontinuities along
the perimeter frames. This perimeter frame discontinuity is caused by architectural
concerns and constitutes slab bands instead of beams. The damage caused due to horizontal
irregularity is predominant in structure while earthquake excitation, these forces
developed at different floor levels in building need to be brought down along the
horizontal member by the shortest path, any deviation or discontinuity such as discontinuous
beams results in poor performance of building and seismic codes suggest to avoid all
kinds of discontinuity produced by the structural system because of unusual seismic
Details configurations of Model A (A-1, A-2, & A-3) and O are shown in Table 3. Live loads, floor finish, and wall loads were considered 583.7, 364.8, and 364.8
N/m, respectively. Regarding the earthquake and wind analysis, some factors and parameters
were considered which are described in the Table 4. In this study, equivalent static earthquake static analysis was conducted as per
code. In the ETABS all the load combinations containing seismic load pattern was used.
Some material properties were necessary for the model analysis are depicted also in
the Table 4.
Wind and earthquake load design was considered in modal frame analyzed under linear
static-elastic analysis. Design wind speed in West Bangladesh was taken into account
for wind load design between 58.6 m/s. The load was assumed to act parallel to the
transverse frame direction to each floor and high seismic zone was considered for
earthquake analysis.
Fig. 2-4 and Table 3, depict the geometrical details of the model A (A-1, A-2, & A-3) and O shaped structures.
To understand the effect of beam discontinuity or continuity, three building systems
(A-1, A-2, & A-3) were selected.
In case of Model-A1, in each story had beam and beams were continuously presented
from bottom story to upper story level as seen in Fig. 4a. In Model-A2, beam was continuous to bottom story level to upper story as it can
be seen from Fig. 4b that, beam was present from story level-1 to story leve-4 as it was 8th story building,
again for 16th story building beam was employed to story 1 to 8. I case of Model-A3,
beams were not employed at all, like from bottom story to upper story fully beam discontinuity
was seen from Fig. 4c. Moreover, from Fig. 2a, red hatched line was denoted which actually indicated the variation of presence
of beams in the frame system or simply continuity\discontinuity of the beams in that
specific portion of the building. In some cases, the red hatched line beams were omitted
(discontinued) for the intended purpose of the analysis. Model-O was selected to evaluate
the horizontal irregularity of the structural system.
Table 2 Model configurations
Model Name
Beam Continuity/Discontinuity
Story No.
Frames with fully continuous beams all through the story level
8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Beam discontinuity from the upper half of the building length
8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Complete beam discontinuity in all story level
8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Totally continuous beam in all story level
Table 3 The geometry of the model structures
Model-A (A-1, A-2 & A-3)
Plan Dimension
17×17 m
Grid Dimension
7×6 m
Number of stories
8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Number of grids used in every building
Total height of the building
28.6, 35, 43, 50.6, 58 m
Number of stories
Height of each story
3.6 m
Total height of the building
33.5 m
Thickness of slab
152 mm
Height of each story
3 m
Thickness of shear wall
203 mm
Thickness of slab
152 mm
Grade beam
406×304 ㎟
Grade beam
508×406 ㎟
Beam size
406×304 ㎟
Beam size
508×406 ㎟
Column size
381×304 ㎟
Column size
457×610 ㎟
Table 4 Important parameters
Structure type
Soil type
58.6 m/s
PMF, λ
248 MPa
27 MPa
24821 MPa
BWS-Basic Wind Speed, IF-Importance Factor, IWF-Important Wind Factor RRF-Response
Reduction Factor, SOSF-System over strength factor, DAF-Deflection Amplification Factor,
ZC-Zone Coefficient, PMF-Property Modification Factor, fc -Strength of Concrete, fy-Strength
of Steel, µ-Poisson’s ratio, E-Modulus of Elasticity
Fig. 2 Plan views of a) Model-A (A-1, A-2, & A-3), and b) O-shaped building
Fig. 3 3D views of Model A and O
Fig. 4 Eight storied buildings with a) continuous beam all story levels,
3. Analysis and Result
3.1 Displacements
A parametric study was conducted to understand the variations and continuity or discontinuity
of beams to find out the best performing system under lateral loading, considering
8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 storied buildings. 16 storied structures with continuity and
discontinuity in beams are taken to understand the top story displacement. Table 5 depicts the maximum displacements of multi-story structures in both X and Y directions
considering the combined loading conditions.
Table 5 Maximum displacements for Model A1, A2, and A3
Story No.
A1 (X/Y Axis)
A2 (X/Y-Axis)
A3 (X/Y-Axis)
**All the dimensions are in (mm)
It was observed that, with any story levels or height within the design limit, the
frames act in a non-linear way in terms of displacement. Moreover, it can also be
stated that the Model- A1 and Model-A3 show minimum and maximum displacement, respectively.
Model-A2 exhibits the best performance and it almost performs closely like Model-A1
which has beam discontinuity at every level. However, the performance of the buildings
varies with the continuity or discontinuity of beams, and displacements increase with
the increment of building heights.
Displacement in structures usually arises due to lateral loadings such as earthquakes
and winds. At first, earthquake and wind loads were applied to the O-shaped model
considering both X and Y axes. The results obtained from the analysis were quite similar
for both axes. Ultimately, the ENVD combo loading system was applied to simplify the
process of obtaining the maximum displacement from both axes for earthquake and wind
loads. Moreover, the displacement gets significantly higher as it goes to the higher
floors as depicted in Fig. 5. In Fig. 5, Deqx, Deqy, Dwx, Dwy denoted the displacement regarding earthquake and wind load
in both X and Y axes; respectively and Dc represented the displacement combining both
quake and wind loads considering X-axis values as the magnitude of the X-axis was
higher than Y-axis. The overall displacement changes rectilinearly and follows a linear
regression equation which is developed and shown in the Figure.
Fig. 5 Displacement of O-shaped building under earthquake and wind loadings
3.2. Bending Moment
The bending moment of multistoried buildings with beam discontinuity was investigated
by taking a representative section of beam and column named BEAM-5EF and COLUMN-6D.
This two sections of beam and column is selected randomly to represent the bending
moment significance. Through, Table 6, Fig. 6, and Fig. 7 an attempt was conducted to explore the bending within the beam and column section
considering discontinuous beams systems. Combine lateral loadings were applied to
Model-A1, A2, and A3 accordingly to examine the bending moment variation in BEAM-5EF
and COLUMN-6D at story level-3 as presented in Table 6.
The maximum bending moment was located just right after the discontinuous beams in
Model-A. In the case of Model-A1, where beams continue up to the story level has to
resist fewer moments than the other models. Fig. 6 reveals that the BEAM-5EF was affected by the discontinuity of the beam in that system.
When lateral load acts on the frame system, the load path was switched when an element
is missing in the line of force and simultaneously increased the bending moment of
the beam.
Bending moment variation in COLUMN-6D was evaluated at story-3 for all three models
as shown in Table 6. Due to discontinuity, an extra potential moment was developed in the models A2 and
A3. Each model exhibits significant deviation in bending moments from each other.
It is mandatory to take necessary steps to resist extra developed moments for discontinuity
else catastrophic damages can be combatted due to earthquake or heavy wind loading.
A maximum significant result was found at level 3 as presented in Fig 7.
Both positive and negative moments were developed in beams and columns of the O-shaped
structure. The maximum positive and negative moments for the beam at B60 and B78 were
achieved as 3274.22, 6242.37, and 3707.64, 6459.07 (10-3 kN-m) respectively. In the
case of columns, C20 and C13 maximum positive and negative moments obtained from analysis
were 5561.46, 4513.8 and 3618.86, 4014.91 (10-3 kN-m), respectively. It can be seen
that the O-shaped frame structure has to resist the least amount of both positive
and negative moments. To understand the bending moments in both column and beam,
three models such as C6, C13, and C36, and one beam B60 were considered. Here “B”
and “C” denotes the beam and column and by number is mentioned the respective beam
and column number. Fig. 8 provides to locate the bending moment in the concentrated columns and beams. Fig. 9 represents the values of the bending moment of a single column, considering the maximum
bending moment at the base, and observed that maximum moments were generated on the
top floor only. Moreover, this bending moment exhibits a linear trend by following
a linear relapse equation as presented in Fig. 9. In Fig. 9, “M” is denoted as the bending moment.
Fig. 6 Increased bending moment in BEAM- 5EF
Fig. 7 Bending moment in COLUMN-6D
Fig. 8 Bending moment locations for specific columns (C13) and beams (B60)
Fig. 9 Bending moment and axial force
Table 6 Bending moment of BEAM-5EF and COLUMN-6D
Story No.
Bending Moment (N-m) for BEAM
Bending Moment (N-m) for COLUMN
3.3 Axial Force on Base Column
Though axial forces are very important for low-rising building eventually it is neglected.
Axial forces can produce more overturning moments and a massive level of compression
and tensions than horizontal motions. Moreover, vertical motions may create a negative
impact on columns along with horizontal motions. The axial force on every floor of
the O-shaped building indicates its susceptibility to overturning. A single column
is taken for the assessment of the O-shaped structure which reveals the highest axial
forces as the results are presented in Fig. 9. In Fig. 9, “AF” is denoted as the axial force. The P-M interaction curve indicates the capacity
for P and M that reinforced concrete can resist and an interaction diagram displays
the combinations of the acceptable moment and axial capacities of a structural member.
The equivalency between an eccentrically applied load and an axial load–moment combination.
The P-M curve for axial on base column is depicted in the Fig. 10 and indicated none of points exceeded the controlling zone.
Moreover, COLUMN-4E was selected to examine the maximum axial forces at the base level
for all of the three multistory models –A1, A2, and A3. The axial force is produced
under the action of combined applied lateral loads and maximum magnitudes at story-16
for all three models as shown in Table 7 (see columns 2-4). There is a significant change in axial force for the column analyzed
in different multistory frame systems as shown in Fig. 11.
Table 7 Axial force and Torsion on-base COLUMN-4E and on
Axial force (kN)
Torsion (kN/m2)
Fig. 10 P-M interaction diagram of base column
Fig. 11 Axial force on base COLUMN-4E
3.4 Torsion on Beam
Regarding the evaluation of torsion on the beam for the models A1, A2, and A3, BEAM
E-56 at story-3 was considered for the discussion. Table 7 (see columns 5-7) shows the torsional magnitude obtained from the analysis. There
is a major change in the magnitude of torsion in different multistory frame system
models established for the study. The beam analyzed, being located next to the discontinued
beam provides an enhanced torsional value as shown in Fig. 12.
It is noticed from the analysis that; the discontinuity of beams generates a huge
amount of torsional stress in beams that come in the way of force. Moreover, comparing
the 3 models it can be concluded that, without even continuing the beams in upper
stories the Model-A2 performs better than the other two models in terms of torsional
Fig. 12 Torsion on Beam-E56
3.5 Story Drift
Fig. 13 provides the details values of story drifts of each floor level regarding the O-shaped
model. As it can be seen from the figure, the story drifting is quite closer for both
axes. To simplify the analysis, maximum values were considered and X-axis presents
a higher magnitude than the Y. To ease the assessment ENVD combined loading was imposed
on the model considering the values of the X-axis. From both axes, maximum drifts
were observed on the first floor and insignificant drifts were noticed from story
8 to the top floor. From Fig. 13, it can be seen that the story drifting was manifesting a specific linear pattern
ensuing in a linear regression analysis. In Fig. 13, SDeqx, SDeqy, SDwx, and SDwy represents the story drift regarding earthquake and
wind both for X and Y-axis and SDc denotes the combined story drift by considering
both earthquake and wind effect by using the X-axis value as the X-axis provided the
maximum magnitudes.
Fig. 13 Story Drifts for O-shaped
3.6 Comparison with Previous Research
In this section, current research is compared with three previous studies conducted
by Chaudhary and Mahajan (2021), Sazzad and Azad (2015), and Mahato and Kumar (2019), respectively. Chaudhary and Mahajan (2021) numerically analyzed several different shaped high rise buildings including O-shaped
structures of 12 and 16 storied building systems considering a heavy mass utilizing
ETABS. Sazzad and Azad (2015) carried out a computer-aided analysis to evaluate the performances of different irregular-shaped
buildings with an O-shaped frame system (7-storied). Again, Mahato and Kumar (2019) evaluated the structural performance of G+18 buildings for O-shaped structures using
ETABS. All the three authors analyzed several models for different shaped structures,
for validation only O-shaped structures are considered. Details of these three previous
studies are presented in the Table 8. In Fig. 13 and 14, SDc represents the obtained combined story drift from this current study considering
the effect of both earthquake and wind load only for X-axis as this axis provided
maximum value.
Fig. 14, presents the displacement validation of the current research with previous research.
In the case of MO-1 and MO-1’, the displacement pattern almost matches the current
study, by following a linear trend. When compared to MO-2, authors showed the displacement
and drifting results both for earthquake and wind for both axes, where the values
of both axes were exactly similar, thus only X-axis values were picked for the comparison
and expressed MO-2 (W) and MO-2 (EQ); correspondingly. However, the results patterns
were significantly matches with the present study. In comparison with MO-3, the result
doesn’t exactly coincide with the current study, as there may be two reasons such
as- number storied they examine and code provision discrepancies between this study
and current one. It can be also observed from the figure that, magnitudes don’t match
at all with the current and the previous studies due to have discrepancies in the
code provision used for the analysis.
Fig. 15, provides a good representation regarding the comparison of story drifting ratios
between the current study and three previous studies. It can be seen from the figure
that, MO-2 (W) and MO-2 (EQ) exhibits exactly same pattern as the current study. There
were some differences in magnitudes between MO-2 and current study as different code
provision was considered. In case of MO-3, the drifting pattern doesn’t coincide with
the present study due to have difference in the story number analyzed and variation
in the code provision used.
Table 8 Details of the previous study
Fig. 14 Comparison of displacement with three models
Fig. 15 Comparison of story drift with three models
4. Conclusion and Future Scope
The demand for irregular-shaped structures has grown significantly nowadays and designing
such types of structures are also very challenging for engineers. Four types of buildings
were modeled considering internal irregularities as frames with fully continuous beams,
discontinuous beams in upper half-length and all story levels, and 10 storied O-shaped
buildings. According to the above discussions some points can be concluded as follows:
Buildings with Beam Discontinuity:
∙ Based on the beam discontinuity some features are noticeable like beam discontinuity
from the base and mid-height exhibits a large amount of displacement and internal
torsions show interesting results.
∙ Taller buildings reveal fewer deflections than the buildings that have no discontinuous
beams in both axes. Moreover, axial force produces less amount in these types of systems,
though it has great significance in the case of tall buildings. Theoretically, the
model with discontinuity from the upper heights is safer and more economical than
the model with no beam discontinuity due to its lightweight. It was observed that
Model-A2 performs well in terms of safety, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency.
O-shaped Building:
∙ In the case of an O-shaped structure, the amount of displacement production is proportional
to the building height while applying earthquake and wind loads.
∙ The moment was distributed properly and moment fluctuations from one point to others
were negligible. It can be seen that maximum moments were generated at the top floors
only and maximum bending moments at the base.
∙ In the case of story drifting, maximum drifts were noticed on the first floor, and
from the story level-8 to the top floors, drifting was insignificant.
∙ O-shaped building structures are less vulnerable to overturning due to their less
resistivity to lateral load and show the least amount of axial force arising in their
column and making this shape relatively safe. However, its resistance toward lateral
load can be greatly improved by focusing on and strengthening a few critical points.
∙ Results obtained from the analysis were validated by previous research and the results
are quite similar to the present work.
Future Scope:
∙ Present research work was carried out only for 10-storied buildings, leaving scope
to analyze the multi-storied building with varying heights.
∙ As O-shape buildings were selected for the present study, the performance of different
irregularly shaped building such as H, U, T, L, M-shape, plus shape, etc. shall be
adopted for further study.
∙ A new research study can be conducted considering the bracing systems such as cross
bracing, zig-zag bracing, V type, etc. in the structural frame system.
∙ Another study shall be carried out by changing the seismic zone of seismic analysis.
∙ Different design software like SAP2000, if used, can also generate new research
work as it may produce different results. A good comparative study can be conducted
in this case.
감사의 글
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant
funded by the Korea government (MSIT). (No. 2021R1A4A1031509).
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