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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
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  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)


Tan, Y., Xiao, S., and Xiong, X. (2021), Review on detection and prediction methods for pavement skid resistance, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 21(4), 32-47.DOI
Kropiwnicki, J. (2019), A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic, Energy, 182, 1045-57.DOI
Park, G. Y., Lee, S. H., Kim, E. J., and Yun, B. Y. (2017), A Case Study on Meteorological Analysis of Freezing Rain and Black Ice Formation on the Load at Winter, Journal of Environmental Science International, 26(7), 827-836.DOI
Ghim, O. P., and Fwa, T. F. (2010), Mechanistic Interpretation of Braking Distance Specifications and Pavement Friction Requirements, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2155(1), 145-157.DOI
Hong, H. (2014), Analysis of Accident Cause on Icy Road Pavement, Master Thesis, University of Seoul (in Korean).URL
Yang, H. J., Jang, H., Jeong, D. S. (2013), Detection Algorithm for Road Surface Condition Using Wavelet Packet Transform and SVM, In The 19th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision, IEEE, 323-326.DOI
Landry, F. -G., and Akhloufi, M. A. (2022), Deep Learning and Computer Vision Techniques for Estimating Snow Coverage on Roads using Surveillance Cameras, 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), Madrid, Spain, 1-8.DOI
Mats, R., Torbj, G., Jorgen, B., and Per-Erik, J. (2012), Ice Formation Detection on Road Surfaces using Infrared Thermometry, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Elsevier, 83-84, 71-76.DOI
Lee, H., Hwang, K., Kang, M., and Song, J. (2020), Black ice detection using CNN for the Prevention of Accidents in Automated Vehicle, International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2020, 1189-1192.DOI
Li, Q., Ji, Y. W., and Wang, Z. P. (2017), Design of Road Icing Detection System Based on OpenCV+Python, Journal of Shaanxi University of Science & Technology(Natural Science Edition), 35(2), 158-164.URL
Ma, X., and Ruan, C. (2020), Method for Black Ice Detection on Roads using Tri-wavelength Backscattering Measurements, Journal of Applied Optics, 59(24), 7242-7246.DOI
Jonsson, P.. (2011), Remote sensor for winter road surface status detection, SENSORS, 2011 IEEE, Limerick, Ireland. 1285-1288.DOI
Tabatabai, H., and Aljuboori, M. (2017), A Novel Concrete-Based Sensor for Detection of Ice and Water on Roads and Bridges, Journal of Sensors, 17(12), 1-23.DOI
Li, P., Li, J., and Wang, G. C. (2018), Application of convolutional neural network in natural language processing, 15th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP), Chengdu, China, 120-122.DOI
Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I., and Hinton, G. E. (2017), ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks, Communications of the ACM, 60(6), 84-90.DOI
Pan, S. J., and Yang, Q. A. (2010), A Survey on transfer learning, IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 22(10), 1345-1359.DOI
Mao, Y. H., He, Z. Z., and Ma, Z. (2020), Infrared Target Classification with Reconstruction Transfer Learning, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 49(4), 609-614.URL
Kim, I. S., Bae, I. C., Rhee, J., Jang, H. I., Kim, K. (2011), Pavement Management Strategy for Traffic Safety in Winter Season (Subtitle : A Study on the forecast of Freezing Rain on Roads), Korea Expressway Corporation, Expressway & Transportation Research Institute Report, No. EXTRI-2016-55-534.9607, 12-14 (in Korean).URL