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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)


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Korea Construction Standards Center (2021), Korea Design Standards KDS 14 20 66, Seoul, Korea (in Korean).URL
Korea Construction Standards Center (2024), Korea Design Standards KDS 14 31 80, Seoul, Korea (in Korean).URL
Won, J. P., Park, C. G., Jang, C. I., Lee, S. W., and Kim, W. Y. (2007), Bond Properties of High Strength Steel Rebar in High Strength Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, 19, no. 5, 631-637.DOI
Choi, H. K., Bae, B. I., and Choi, C. S. (2014), Bond Characteristics and Splitting Bond Stress on Steel Fiber Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete, Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, 26(5), 651-660.DOI
Lee, H. R., (2015), Bond Strength and Shear Strength of Shear Connectors in Encased H-Section Composite Columns, Master’s thesis, Chung-Ang University.URL
Kim, S. H., and Park, M. R., (2017), An Experimental Study on the Bond Characteristic of GFRP Bars in PVA Fiber Reinforced Activated Hwangtoh Concrete, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance & Inspection, 21(1), 134-141.DOI
Eom, T. S., Kim, J. W., and Yang, J. M., (2019), Axial Compression Behavior of Concrete-Encased Steel Angle Columns Using High-Strength Steel, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, 31(6), 381-392.URL
Jo, K. W., Park, H. G., Lee, H. J., and Choi, I. R., (2019), Shear Strength of Composite Beams with Steel Angle-Fabricated Truss, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, 31(2), 129-140.URL
Jeon, J. H., Lee, S. Y., and Kim, S. H.,(2022), Structural Behavior Evaluation of NRC Beam-Column Connections, Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance & Inspection, 26(1), 73-80.URL