Title |
Establishment of Distribution Power Network Planning for Industrial Complex Considering DER Hosting Capacity Based on Network Topology Method |
Authors |
이학주(Hak-Ju Lee) ; 황성욱(Sung-Wook Hwang) ; 전용주(Yong-Joo Jeon) ; 최윤혁(Yun-Hyuk Choi) |
https://doi.org/10.5370/KIEE.2025.74.3.385 |
Keywords |
Hosting Capacity; Network Topology Method; Industrial Complex; Distribution Grid Planning; DER |
Abstract |
As global energy conversion policies expand, the importance of distribution systems is also greatly increasing. An efficient power flow analysis method is needed to ensure stable power grid operation through large-scale integration of distributed generation and to improve the accuracy of hosting capacity calculations. Therefore, the hosting capacity estimation algorithm is implemented using network topology method. This is applied to all distribution lines within the substation connected to the Ulsan National Industrial Complex to calculate hosting capacity and use it for distribution network planning. |