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  1. (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Chosun University, Korea.)

Circuit breaker, DC SCB, Superconducting, Interruption capacity

1. Introduction

DC-based HVDC, MVDC, and LVDC systems have many advantages. First, the low power loss maximizes energy efficiency. It is expected that efficiency shall be increased by 10~15% when it is applied to the uninterruptable power supply site, and by 2~10% when it is connected with a renewable energy source. Next, it is easy to convert the low power to the high power, and it can be transmitted over a long distance. Furthermore, it is possible to form a super-grid between countries because of its connectivity to different grid networks(1). Recently, many countries are concentrating their attention on the DC system, and they have been carrying out research to secure system reliability and commercialization(1-3). The circuit breakers that have been proposed so far have reached a limit in terms of different functional aspects, such as precision, power loss, speed, capacity, efficiency, and heat deformation.

In this paper, we proposed a current Interruption type DC Superconducting Circuit Breaker(I-DC SCB) that is capable of achieving high reliability, while satisfying many aspects, such as low loss, high-speed interruption and capacity increase.

2. Maintain

2.1 Design of the I-SC SCB

Figure 1 shows the structure of a I-DC SCB, in which a superconducting coil and a mechanical DC circuit breaker are connected in a series. A superconducting coil limits the fault current rise time and the value of the fault current. The mechanical DC circuit breaker cut-off the fault line.

그림. 1. I-DC SCB 구조

Fig. 1. I-DC SCB structure


Figure 1 shows the structure of a I-DC SCB, in which a superconducting coil and a mechanical DC circuit breaker are connected in a series. A superconducting coil limits the fault current rise time and the value of the fault current. The mechanical DC circuit breaker cut-off the fault line. Figure 2 shows the superconductor design algorithm. When the value of the current (I1) flowing through the line is equal to or lesser than the operation start current of the superconductor (Ioperation start current), the superconductor maintains a superconducting state with zero impedance. If the value of I1 applied to the superconductor exceeds the Ioperation start current of the superconductor due to system failure, however, the impedance of the superconductor increases according to the constant integration time, the limit value, and transitions to the phase transition state. This was based on Eq.(1) (3).

그림. 2. 초전도체 설계 알고리즘

Fig. 2. Superconductor design algorithm


Figure 3 shows the current characteristics of the superconductor according to the impedance of the current limitation. The current limiting impedance was increased from 1 Ω to 25 Ω to identify the appropriate current limiting impedance of the superconductor. The results of the analysis show that the maximum fault current was fixed at 17.25 kA, regardless of the value of the impedance after it exceeded 3 Ω. Therefore, the maximum quench resistance Rm was set to 3 Ω. Also, Tsc was 0.3 ms as a transition characteristic time constant of the quench state to obtain 3 Ω within 2 ms, while the inductance of the superconducting coil is 0.01 H. A mechanical DC circuit breaker has a structure in which three circuit’s are connected in a parallel structure.

그림. 3. 한류 임피던스 크기에 따른 초전도체의 전류 특성

Fig. 3. The current characteristics of the superconductor according to the impedance of the current limitation


The main interruption circuit is the main circuit, while the commutation circuit and the absorption circuit are the auxiliary lines. If a fault occurs, the main circuit opens the mechanical contact CB to cut-off the fault line. A consideration of the arc characteristics was essential, since DC has no natural current zero point, unlike in the AC. A few of the arc characteristics include the Mayr, Cassie, and Schavemaker arc models. Among them, the Mayr arc model, which analyzes near 8000 K and near current zero point, was selected. The arc characteristics were applied to the CB by using the Mayr arc model, as shown in Eq.(2) (2)(4-6).

Eq.(3) represents the breaking current with the breaking capacity of CB at 1 kA(5). The commutation circuit is a circuit in which L and C are connected in a series, which generates a oscillation current by series resonance at the frequency of Eq.(4), based on the inductance of the superconducting coil. The current zero point was generated when the impedance of the commutation circuit exceeds the arc impedance of the main circuit, and the CB was opened quickly from the main circuit. L is 0.2 mH, and C is 49.5 μF, according to Eq.(4).

The absorption circuit is a circuit to which the SA circuit was applied when the SA operation voltage is applied, the residual voltage and current of the breaker flows to the ground. The operating voltage of the SA is 125 kV (5-6).

$$ R_{S C}(t)=\left\{\begin{array}{c}{\quad\quad\quad\quad \quad 0\quad\quad\quad\quad\left(t <t_{\text {quenching}}\right)} \\ {R_{m} \sqrt{1-\exp \left(-\frac{t}{T_{S C}}\right)}\left(t>t_{\text {quenching}}\right)}\end{array}\right\} $$




$P_{power burden}=\int_{fault time}^{cut-off time}V_{M-DCCB}I dt$

2.2 I-DC SCB mechanism and analysis conditions

When DC power is applied, the superconducting coil (SC coil) senses the current (I1) flowing through the line to determine whether it is fault state or not, according to the algorithm shown in Figure 2. The superconducting coil maintains its superconducting state, and the current was stably conducted during the normal hours. If a fault occurs, the superconducting coil was quenched from the superconducting state to the normal conducting state within a few milliseconds. A quenched superconducting coil generates an impedance to reduce the rise of the fault current, and limits the maximum value of the fault current. At the same time, an open signal was applied to the mechanical DC circuit breaker, while the first limited fault current is introduced into the mechanical DC circuit breaker by the superconducting coil. Next, the mechanical DC circuit breaker completes the interruption operation by assisting the commutation and absorption circuit to cut-off the main circuit. The applied voltage is DC 100 kV, while the SC coil, main circuit, commutation circuit, and absorption circuit are as described above. Since the normal current flowing in the local HVDC line is about 200~300 A, the load is set to 500 Ω. If a fault occurs at AC 345 kV, the fault current is up to 68 kA. The resistance load is set to 1.42 Ω, so that the maximum fault current is kept at 70 kA. The mechanical DC breaker has a delay time of about 10 ms after considering the relay and operation time.

The applied voltage was then increased to 100, 140, 180 kV, respectively, in order to analyze the capacity increase characteristics due to superconducting coil. The simulation conditions remained the same.

2.3 Simulation analysis

Figure 4 shows a graph representing the interruption characteristics of the mechanical DCCB(M-DCCB) when a voltage of 100 kV. As the fault occurred, the value of the fault current increased to 41.13 kA. An fault occurred and a current zero point was generated after about 46.5 ms. As a result, the M-DCCB completed the interruption operation after about 58 ms.

그림. 4. 100kV 인가 시 DCCB의 특성 곡선

Fig. 4. Characteristic curves of the DCCB at 100 kV


Figure 5 shows the characteristics of the M-DCCB when a voltage of 110 kV. The 110 kV is about 9% higher than the rated voltage. As shown in Figure 5, The value of fault current increased to 45.71 kA and a current zero point was generated at 63.8 ms. The interruption operation was completed 78.2 ms after fault.

그림. 5. 110kV 인가 시 DCCB의 특성 곡선

Fig. 5. Characteristic curves of the DCCB at 110 kV


However, the interruption time range of the existing mechanical HVDC CB(30~50 ms). Therefore, it is judged that the interruption operation has failed that because Figure 5 was out of the existing M-HVDC CB interruption time.

Figure 6 shows a graph representing the interruption characteristics of the I-DC SCB when a voltage of 100 kV. As described above, the superconducting coil was in the zero impedance state, and the current was stably conducted before a fault occurs. Then, a simulated fault occurred at 0.1 sec.

그림. 6. 110kV 인가 시 I-DC SCB의 특성 곡선

Fig. 6. Characteristic curves of the I-DC SCB at 110 kV


About 2 ms after the fault, the superconducting coils were quenched according to the motion algorithm in Figure 2. The quench of the superconductor limits the value of the fault current to about 17.25 kA. Then, L and C in the commutation circuit of the mechanical DC circuit breaker were serially resonated to generate the oscillating current. As a result, the current zero point was generated about 11.9 ms after the fault, and the interruption current was also generated, as shown in Eq.(3). The interruption operation was completed within about 18.4 ms, when the superconducting coil was power of burdened with 10.22 MW, according to Eq.(5).

Figure 7 shows the characteristics of the I-DC SCB when a voltage of 140 kV. The 140 kV is about 28% higher than the rated voltage. As shown in Figure 6, fault occurred, and the superconducting coil was quenched to limit the fault current value.

그림. 7. 140kV 인가 시 I-DC SCB의 특성 곡선

Fig. 7. Characteristic curves of the I-DC SCB at 140 kV


The commutation and the absorption circuit assisted the main circuit, and the current zero point was generated after about 16.2 ms, while the interruption operation was completed within 22.2 ms. At this time, the power burden applied to the superconducting coil is 27.19 MW, and when calculated into a percentage based on 100 kV, power that is about 62.4% higher.

Figure 8 shows the voltage at 180 kV, about 45% higher than the rated voltage. The operation, as shown in Figure 7, was performed. The current zero point was generated, and the interruption operation was completed after approximately 28.5 ms. The value of the power burdened on the superconducting coil was 84.7%. The power burden on superconducting coils is an important factor in determining superconductor capability and capacity, as well as the capacity and capability of associated circuit breakers. Since the value of the power burden applied to the super- conducting coil is lower, it is possible to reduce them, while efficiency remains high in terms of economy.

그림. 8. 180kV 인가 시 I-DC SCB의 특성 곡선

Fig. 8. Characteristic curves of the I-DC SCB at 180 kV


Figure 9 shows the analysis of the power burden and interruption time applied to the superconductor according to the voltage increase. The results of the above-mentioned analysis were judged based on the following two criteria.

그림. 9. 전압 증가에 따른 차단시간 및 초전도 코일의 전력 부담

Fig. 9. Power burden of superconducting coil and interruption time according to voltage increase


Criteria 1) It should be faster than the interruption operation time of the existing mechanical HVDC CB (30~50 ms) (5)

Criteria 2) The power charge ratio applied to the rated voltage superconductor should be within 100%.

The M-DCCB can only be used at rated voltage. On the other hand, The I-DC SCB with a rated voltage of 100 kV can be cut off and applied up to 180 kV. It is because that the interruption time was faster than the HVDC interruption time(criteria 1).

However, when a voltage higher than 180 kV is applied, the value of the power burden applied to the superconducting coil exceeds 100% of the rated voltage(criteria 2).

3. Conclusion

In this paper, we have designed a I-DC SCB that is applicable to DC systems after considering actual system conditions and the analysis of the breaking characteristics.

As a results of the analysis of the breaking characteristics and breaking range, the 100 kV DC SCB reduced interruption speed by about 39.6 ms, compared to the conventional mechanical DC circuit breaker. Moreover, it was verified that it could be applied without changing the circuit up to about 45% higher than the rated voltage. Furthermore, if the impedance and inductance values of the superconducting coils are adjusted, it is possible to expand the cut-off range to an even wider extent.


This research was supported by Korea Electric Power corporation [grant number: R16XA01]

This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT)(No.2018R1A2B2004242)


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최혜원(Hye-Won Choi)

1989년 10월 04일 생.

2012년 조선대 전기공학과 졸업(학사).

2014년 동 대학원 졸업(공학석사).

2014~현재 동 대학원 박사 수료.

Tel : 062-230-7054


최효상(Hyo-Sang Choi)

1966년 2월 21일 생.

1989년 전북대 전기공학과 졸업(학사).

1994년 동 대학원 전기공학과 졸업(공학석사).

2000년 동 대학원 전기공학과 졸업(공학박사).

현재 조선대 전기공학과 교수, 시민 르네상스 평생교육원 원장, 미래사회융합대학 학장

Tel : 062-230-7025

E-mail : hyosang@chosun.ac.kr