(Hoang-Long Dang)
(Sangshin Kwak)
(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Korea.)
Copyright © The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers(KIEE)
Key words
Film Capacitor Condition, Health Monitoring, Film Capacitor, Artificial Learning
1. Introduction
In the context of electrical engineering, it is crucial to maintain the reliability
and availability of traditional electrical systems while ensuring a secure and stable
network. To achieve this, an effective maintenance strategy involves monitoring the
health of components using simple and cost-effective analytical methods. Researchers
have developed health monitoring schemes for various applications, including electric
machines (1) and power devices (2).
More recently, these techniques have been applied to assess the condition of electric
capacitors due to their high failure rate compared to other electrical devices (3-6). Capacitor aging, which results in changes in capacitor parameters over time, is
primarily caused by thermal, electrical, and chemical factors in metalized polymer-film
capacitors. Capacitors have the highest rate of component degradation (7,8); most systems' commonly used capacitor types are high-capacitance electrolytic capacitors
(Al-Caps), and metalized polypropylene-film capacitors.
The major mechanisms of degradation of different capacitors are different. Increasing
thermal pressure and ambient temperature are the main reasons for the degradation
of Al-Caps, which cause continuous vaporization of the electrolyte in the capacitor,
consequently resulting in a substantial decrease of the capacitance and escalation
of the equivalent series resistance (ESR). Therefore, the capacitance and ESR are
suitable measures of aging in Al-Caps (9). The principal mechanism of degradation for metalized polypropylene-film capacitors,
also known as Film-Caps, is high-voltage stress, which typically results in a reduction
of capacitance and a simultaneous increase in the equivalent series resistance (ESR).
However, due to the minimal changes in ESR, capacitance is often considered as the
degraded feature.
All the aforementioned techniques necessitate additional hardware or complex procedures.
With the advancement of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) models have gained
popularity and can offer potential solutions for fault detection, including the identification
of arc faults (10-15). Several sophisticated models, such as neural networks and adaptive neuro models,
have been utilized to assess the condition of Al-Caps (16-20). The adaptive neuro algorithms distinguish the aging burden of Al-Caps based on the
elderly links amongst the factors and actual features using curvature fitting methods.
This method could study the health state from the response data caused by the capacitor's
usual and aging fault conditions. It is important to note that Al-Caps and Film-Caps
have different characteristics, and most research has focused on Al-Caps. In contrast,
research on parameter estimation for Film-Caps, particularly based on AI algorithms
(20), is still limited, and a comprehensive estimation strategy has yet to be developed.
Therefore, there is a need for further research on film capacitors. The present study
proposes a condition monitoring strategy that employs frequency signal analysis to
assess the health of film capacitors in a three-phase AC-DC converter. The study uses
the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to analyze the capacitor current, which is then
normalized by indexes and used as input for the learning algorithms. In addition,
capacitor voltage, as well as output current, and output voltage are examined utilizing
the DWT and fast Fourier transform (FFT) for comparison. In this study, various indexes
including root-mean-squared value, variance, average, and median, are utilized as
inputs for artificial intelligent models to investigate factors affecting film capacitors.
Eight learning algorithms are implemented to monitor the health status of film capacitors.
The results show that utilizing the discrete wavelet transform combined with indexes
for capacitor current yields a high accuracy of approximately 99.85%. The subsequent
sections of this manuscript are organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the characteristics
of film capacitors. Section 3 describes the AI models and the configuration of input
parameters for the models. Section 4 evaluates the estimated parameters of the AI
models using various input configurations. Finally, Section 5 provides recommendations
for capacitor diagnosis and suggests avenues for future research.
2. Properties of Film Capacitors
fig. 1illustrates the typical degradation curve of a capacitor, where the capacitance value
decreases with time. For Film-Caps, the capacitor is considered to have reached its
end-of-life (EOL) when there is a 2% decrease in the capacitance value. A corresponding
circuit of a Film-Cap is displayed in fig. 2. The impedance of the capacitor is given as
where $\omega =2\pi f$ is the angular frequency.
The main degradation mechanism for Film-Caps is high-voltage pressure, which leads
to a reduction in capacitance and typically an increase in equivalent series resistance
(ESR). However, since the variation in ESR is usually insignificant, capacitance is
typically chosen as the primary degraded factor. The C value is evaluated by the relationship
of capacitor voltage and current as follows:
where $\triangle v_{F\cap}$ is the voltage difference during the estimation period.
Fig. 1. Degradation curve of the film capacitor
Fig. 2. Simplified circuit of a film capacitor
The circuit diagram of the three-phase DC-AC converter utilized in this study is presented
fig. 3. The source and load currents are represented by and , respectively, while the load
voltage is indicated by . To drive the converter, a space vector modulation technique
with a switching frequency of 5 kHz is implemented. The capacitance changes were evaluated
for 16 different Film-Caps from 100 to 430 μF.
Fig. 3. Three-phase inverter system
The MSO3054 oscilloscope was utilized to capture the operational signals at a sampling
rate of 250 kHz. The DC supply level was set at 100 V, while the load inductance and
load resistance were set at 10 mH and 10$\Omega$, respectively. These original capacitances
were obtained using an E4980A LCR meter. The experimental waveforms of the Al-Cap
and Film-Cap are illustrated in
fig. 4; the capacitances of both types are 100 $\mu F$. The capacitor voltage signals are
the AC coupling signals for demonstrating the difference between the Al-Cap and Film-Cap.
The Al-Cap voltage shows more significant fluctuations than the Film-Cap voltage,
whereas the currents of both capacitor types show similar magnitudes of variation.
However, it is noted that the Al-Cap and Film-Cap currents have different shapes.
3. Artificial Intelligent Models and Signal Analysis
3.1 TiArtificial Intelligent Modelstle
This study utilized eight distinct learning algorithms for estimating the capacitance
values of Film-Caps. These algorithms include Gaussian decision tree (DT), process
regression (GPR), linear regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM), ensemble learning
regression (ELR), gated unit current (GRU), deep neural network (DNN), and long short-term
memory (LSTM). ELR utilizes a set of models that employ learning advancements to an
identified challenge. The set of models is integrated to attain the ultimate estimate.
Ensemble regression goals to link various models to boost the predictable exactness
using an objective mathematical function (21). The GPR is a probabilistic supervised machine learning (ML) that is regularly used
for category and regression purposes. The GPR algorithm produces predictions by participating
the abovementioned statistics (22). The SVM reveals the greatest borderline, differentiating components into identifiable
classes (23). The SVM function used to predict new values is given by
where $x$ is the observed data, $a_{n}$ and $a^{*}_{n}$ are Lagrange multipliers,
N is the number of observations, and b is the bias. LR is a linear methodology used
to demonstrate the association between one or more expressive variables and a scalar
response. The associations are obtained via linear predictor tasks whose unknown parameters
are predicted from the statistics
(24). The DT formation involves the tree stream diagram, which depicts the entire probable
options and outcomes. In addition, this formation shows the guesses following the
altered points. The general form of the DT is expressed as
where $y_{i}$ and $\widehat{y_i}$ are the actual and predicted values, respectively.
T is the node number of the tree, and $\alpha$ is the optimal coefficient. This coefficient
controls the tradeoff between tree complexity and accuracy. The source point stands
for initiating the DT, and the decisions produced at the "leaves" will achieve the
(25). Deep learning (DL) models enable computers to mimic the conventional computational
abilities of the human brain, such as learning. To achieve this, a progression model
is initiated in DL to train and categorize components using abundant forms of data,
such as pictures, scripts, or signals. DL models possess the capability to attain
superior accuracy and surpass the cognitive capacity of humans in performing various
tasks. A large database of statistics is commonly consumed to educate DL models
(11,12). The DL model are exercised in this study to guesstimate the capacitance.
fig. 5presents the typical structure of a DL algorithm. The entered layout, hidden middle
layouts, and output layout are the standard layouts in the DL formation. The middle
part comprises several layers. DNN comprises two middle layers, whereas LSTM and GRU
have three middle-layer configurations. The middle layers of the GRU, DNN, and LSTM
are called fully connected, GRU, and LSTM layers, respectively. The trial-and-error
technique is used to elect the hidden layouts. The elected layouts of the DL approaches
afford the highest effectiveness among numerous potential layouts. However, other
probable layouts that may correspondingly be applicable also exist.
Fig. 4. Experimental waveforms of the investigated three-phase inverter: (a) Al-Cap
and (b) Film-Cap waveforms
3.2 Signal Analysis
In signal analysis, the time and frequency domains are commonly used. However, in
the case of Film-Caps, the capacitance dominates the frequency spectrum, making it
necessary to focus on frequency domain data exploration. This study utilizes both
FFT and DWT to analyze the data, followed by estimating the capacitor's capacitance
using various indices such as RMS, variance, average, and median. The low-frequency
range of the signals and indices are obtained using low-pass filters (LPFs) after
FFT. For DWT analysis, the data is decomposed using a Daubechies-type wavelet (db5),
with the DWT modal maxima revealing the impulsive variation characteristics of the
signal. In general, the FFT and DWT indicators associated with the capacitor are capable
indicators of the capacitor monitoring compared to indicators associated with the
Fig. 5. Typical DL layout structure
Fig. 6. Film-Caps estimation scheme
4. Artificial Intelligent in Capacitance Estimation of Film-Cap
fig. 6illustrates the guesstimate strategy for the Film-Caps. Capacitor and load currents
and voltages are recorded and saved, and then processed using DWT and FFT analysis.
Two frequency ranges, LPF1 (1-5 kHz) and LPF2 (5-10 kHz), are used to filter the FFT
signals to investigate their impact on accuracy. Index values are then derived from
the analyzed signals, resulting in six combinations of inputs. These include raw signals
from FFT analysis (FFT-raw), indexes from raw FFT signals (FFT-raw indexes), indexes
from LPF1 (LPF1&indexes) and LPF2 (LPF2&indexes) of the FFT analysis, raw signals
from DWT analysis (DWT-raw), and indexes from DWT analysis (DWT-indexes). The training
and testing data are split equally in terms of sample size. The best technique is
selected based on having the lowest error (highest accuracy) for all input combinations
compared to the actual parameter values. The errors are reported as follows:
Fig. 7. Average errors of the estimated capacitances for Film-Caps using DWT analysis
with and without indexes
To avoid confusion regarding the estimated capacitance results, the performances of
the estimated schemes are normalized and compared for different aspects.
fig. 7reports the average errors of the guesstimated capacitances using DWT analysis with
and without the indexes. From the estimated results, the estimated capacitances using
the indexes show higher accuracies for all learning techniques. Among the eight learning
techniques, DNN and GRU provide the highest accuracies for DWT analysis, regardless
of the indexes. The average errors of the DL models are lesser than those of ML models
for DWT analysis.
fig. 8displays the mean errors in the estimated capacitances using FFT analysis with and
without filters and indexes. LPF1 & indexes exhibits the best overall accuracy among
the four input combinations, whereas FFT-raw has the lowest overall accuracy. The
other input combinations provide average performances. fig. 9illustrates the comparison between the two LPFs (LPF1 and LPF2). LPF1 offers higher
accuracy than LPF2; this could be explained by the fact that LPF1 has a low-spectrum
frequency range compared with LPF2. Hence, the unique characteristics of the capacitance
are more visible and detectable than using LPF2. However, the differences in the overall
errors are insignificant.In fig. 10, the performance of DWT and FFT analyses is compared. It is observed that when ML
techniques are used, the FFT analysis yields lower errors compared to DWT analysis,
whereas the DWT analysis performs better with DL techniques. However, the difference
in error between DWT and FFT analyses with ML techniques is not significant compared
to DL techniques. The DL techniques, especially DNN and GRU, show better performance
than ML techniques for both DWT and FFT analyses. Additionally, DWT analysis does
not require filters, unlike FFT analysis, which reduces the complexity of the monitoring
system.In figure 11, it can be observed that input signals related to the capacitor provide higher accuracies
compared to load-related inputs for both DWT and FFT techniques. Specifically, the
capacitor current input yields excellent performance with about 99.85% accuracy when
DWT-indexes are employed, whereas the accuracies are lower when using raw signals.
The measurement of capacitor current can be achieved directly or indirectly. The direct
method involves introducing additional current sensors, which can be costly and challenging
to implement when dealing with a large number of capacitors. On the other hand, the
indirect method involves obtaining the capacitor current using converter correlation
and switching states, which is a simple and low-cost technique.In fig. 12, a comparison of the performances of the eight AI models is presented. It is shown
that DL models,
Fig. 8. Average errors of the estimated capacitances for Film-Caps using FFT analysis
with and without filters and indexes
Fig. 9. Average errors of the estimated capacitances for Film-Caps with FFT analysis,
indexes and filters
Fig. 10. Average errors of the estimated capacitances for Film-Caps with DWT and FFT
particularly GRU, demonstrate superior performance due to the higher number of neurons
and layers compared to ML methods. Therefore, DL models have better handling capabilities
than ML models, and their overall errors are lower, regardless of using DWT or FFT.
It is important to note that this study does not focus on tuning the AI model hyperparameters,
and different parameter settings may lead to different results for the same dataset.
The structure parameters of the AI models were determined through trial-and-error
algorithms, and multiple studies are required to obtain satisfactory parameters. However,
it is impossible to guarantee that the selected structures will always result in optimal
performance under all circumstances.
Fig. 11. Average errors of the estimated capacitances for Film-Caps with different
input signals
5. Comparison of Conditions Monitoring Results of Film Capacitors and Electrolytic
Capacitor in DC to AC Converters
A comparison procedure is implemented for Al-Caps (20) and Film-Caps; however, this study mainly focuses on the health monitoring of Film-Caps.
Thus, other comparisons of Al-Caps are omitted herein; the performances regarding
the input signals and learning algorithms are illustrated in fig. 13. In addition, the ranges of LPF1 (100–1000 Hz) and LPF2 (1–3 kHz) for Al-caps differ
from those of the film-caps. This difference was intended to investigate the effects
of the imbalance ranges of the LPFs on the estimated capacitances. For Film-Caps,
the capacitor signals and DWT analyses outperform those of the load signals and FFT
analyses, respectively. Additionally, the performing of LPF1 is outstanding compared
with that of LPF2. In (26), the odd harmonics are injected into a PV system to guesstimate the capacitances.
These injected signals were placed in the LPF1 scale, meaning that the vital characteristics
of the capacitance were located in the low-frequency range. This is the reason why
the precision of LPF1 is greater than that of LPF2. The general errors of DL models
are lower than those of ML models. LSTM shows the lowest overall error among the eight
learning algorithms. The hidden structures of DL techniques for Film-Caps and Al-Caps
are different; thus, LSTM is the best technique for Al-Caps, whereas GRU is the most
suitable method for Film-Caps. Additionally, the differences in the waveform shapes
(fig. 4), which were reflected as the magnitude differences in the frequency spectrum, maybe
another critical factor for the differences in the learning algorithm performances.
Fig. 12. Average errors of the estimated capacitances for Film-Caps with different
learning algorithms
Fig. 13. Performance comparisons of the estimated capacitances between Al-Caps (23) and Film-Caps with different inputs and learning algorithms: (a) DWT+indexes; (b)
LPF1+indexes; (c) LPF2+indexes; (d) comparison of learning algorithms.
In general, input combinations comprising capacitor current or voltage exhibit comparatively
smaller errors for the purpose of capacitance estimation. When using the indexes,
the general precisions of the estimated capacitances are greater than those without
utilizing the indexes. Among the eight artificial intelligence (AI) models evaluated,
deep learning (DL) techniques, specifically GRU, demonstrate superior performance
compared to other models. For the estimated capacitance using Fourier analysis, LPF1
shows lower errors than LPF2. This can be explained by the fact that the frequency
range of LPF1 is more relatable to the capacitance than that of LPF2, even though
the range of LPF1 is smaller than LPF2 for Al-Caps. Therefore, the information contained
in LPF1 is more discernible and ascertainable than that in LPF2, potentially improving
the accuracy of the estimated capacitance. Nevertheless, the accuracy of capacitance
estimation using DWT analysis outperforms that using FFT analysis, regardless of the
selected indices. The DWT combined with indexes for capacitor current provides an
excellent accuracy of about 99.85%. Moreover, DWT analysis does not require filters,
unlike FFT analysis, which reduces the complexity of the monitoring system.
6. Conclusions
The present study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of capacitance estimation for Film-Caps
using a combination of capacitor current signal, DWT analysis algorithms, and indexes.
Due to the dominant presence of capacitance in the frequency spectrum, the study focused
on exploring data in the frequency domain. The results showed that DWT analysis outperformed
FFT analysis in terms of estimated accuracy. The appropriate filter range for FFT
analysis was found to be between 100 Hz to several kHz. The comparison between Al-Caps
and Film-Caps demonstrated the effectiveness of low-frequency filters. However, the
DWT approach did not require filters to extract important features, thereby reducing
the complexity and estimation time. Additionally, incorporating capacitor-related
signals into the inputs of AI models resulted in lower errors in capacitance estimation.
The current flowing through a capacitor can be measured either directly or indirectly.
A direct method involves installing additional current sensors, which can be costly
and challenging to implement when the number of capacitors increases. An alternative
method is to use the converter correlation and switching states to obtain the capacitor
current indirectly, which offers a simple and low-cost solution. The DWT technique
combined with indexes for capacitor current estimation achieves an excellent accuracy
of approximately 99.85%. All AI models exhibit poor accuracy when utilizing load current
and voltage data due to various factors, including switching noise, nonlinearity,
and signal degradation during conduction in multi-phase networks. DL models outperform
ML models due to their increased number of neurons and layers. This results in superior
handling capabilities of DL models compared to ML models, resulting in lower general
errors, regardless of whether DWT or FFT is used. One challenge when utilizing DL
models is selecting the appropriate hidden layer configuration, which may require
a trial-and-error approach, resulting in additional time to determine the optimal
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded
by the Korea government(MSIT) (2020R 1A2C1013413) and the Korea Electric Power Corporation
(Grant number: R21XO01-3).
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HOANG-LONG DANG received the B.S. degree in electrical and electronics engineering
from the Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Viet Nam, in 2015.
He is currently pursuing the combined M.S. and Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronics
engineering with Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea.
His research interests include matrix converters, fault detections, artificial intelligences.
Sang-Shin Kwak received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX, USA, in 2005.
From 1999 to 2000, he was a Research Engineer with LG Electronics, Changwon, South
From 2005 to 2007, he was a Senior Engineer with Samsung SDI R&D Center, Yongin,
South Korea.
From 2007 to 2010, he was an Assistant Professor with Daegu University, Gyeongsan,
South Korea.
Since 2010, he has been with Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea, where he
is currently a Professor.
His current research interests include the design, modeling, control, and analysis
of power converters for electric vehicles and renewable energy systems as well as
the prognosis and fault tolerant control of power electronics systems.