1. Introduction
We are trying to apply quantum transport theory (QTR) to a system that confines electrons
by squared well limiting potentials. Quantum transport theory (QTR) research is of
great importance for investigating the microphenomena of many material systems. Many
theories on this subject include Boltzmann’s transport theory (1), Green’s functional approach (2-3), force-balance approach (4), Feynman’s path integration approach(5), and projection operator approach (6-7). It can be found in the various methodologies mentioned above. Despite the fact that
these methods are very reasonable, the investigation of nonlinear behavior is still
However, in order to more accurately analyze the movement behavior of electrons under
the influence of a strong electric field, nonlinear effects must be considered. In
addition, a similar methodology by Zwanzig (8), Kenkre’s team, who used the projection operator directly into the Liouville equation,
proposed a response function using Kubo’s theory using the lowest order approximation
(8-10). This theory contains nonlinear factors, so it can be used in nonlinear systems,
but because exponents are included in the theoretical formula, this term is insufficient
in scalability. The study of quantum transport theory based on the projected Liouville
equation method for investigating the scattering mechanisms of solids provides an
immensely useful tool.
A new theory of quantum transport of linear-nonlinear form was proposed using the
projected Liouville equation method with the Equilibrium Average Projection Scheme
(EAPS) (11). The advantage of using EAPS is that the quantum transfer theory can be extended
to obtain generalized susceptibility and scattering factors in a single step process.
Also, since the magnetic field dependence analysis of QTLW needs to calculate the
absorption power of various external field wavelengths, it is very difficult to prove
it by interpretation and experimentation with other theories. EAPS’ QTR theory has
an advantage because it is possible to obtain QTLW directly through EAPS at various
external field wavelengths. In short, the absorption power calculation is not necessary
to obtain QTLW(12).
In this study, we study the optical QTLS, which represents the absorption power, and
the QTLW, which represents the scattering effect of the electron deformation potential
phonon interaction system. The QTLS and QTLW with magnetic field dependence was analyzed
in various ways through numerical calculation. The quantum transfer process was analyzed
by comparing the magnetic field dependence of QTLW and the QTLS of the two transfer
processes(intra-Landau level and inter-Landau level transition process). In addition,
this study analyzes the magnetic field dependence in several cases. The analysis of
several cases can be difficult in other theories because the absorption power calculation
is required to obtain QTLW. However, you can directly obtain QTLW through the EAPS
theory presented in this paper.
2. The Theory(EAPS) and System
We consider a many body system, for the brief review of the quantum transport theory(EAPS)
to be applied to the system, which is subject to an oscillatory external field $f(t)=f_{l}e^{-i\omega_{l}t}\hat
e_{l}$ where $\hat e_{l}$ is the unit vector in the external field direction $l(l=x,\:y,\:z,\:
etc)$ and $\omega_{l}$ is the angular frequency. Then the Hamiltonian and the corresponding
Liouville operator $L_(t)$ are given by
where $H_{s}$ and $L_{s}$ are time-independent. The timedependent Hamiltonian is defined
as $H_{l}(t)=r_{1}f_{l}e^{-i\omega_{l}t}$. The Liouville operator $L_{l}$ corresponds
to the response operator $r_{l}$ in the direction $l$, which implies that $L_{l}'X\equiv\left[r_{1},\:X\right]$
for an arbitrary operator $X$. $H_{s}$ is the Hamiltonian of the main particle, representing
the Hamiltonian of the interaction between the main and background particles.
Consider the initial condition of the QSM (Quantum Statistic Mechanical) system as
the equilibrium density $\rho_{s}\equiv\rho(0)$$\equiv\exp(-BH_{s})/Tr\exp(-BH_{s})$
determined by the equilibrium energy of the system. Here, $\rho'$ can be called the
time evolution density due to the external field. For this case, the density matrix
of the system is $\rho(t)=\rho_{s}+\rho'(t)$. For any dynamic variable in the k-direction,
we define the expected value of the system dynamic variable as $r_{k}(t)=Trr_{k}\rho(t)$.
To get $r_{k}(t)$, we define a projection operator that derives a useful response
formula to $P_{k}X\equiv B_{k}Trr_{k}X$. Where $r_{k}$ is the timeindependent operator
corresponding to the expectation of the dynamic variable $r_{k}(t)$.
So we can write the dynamic variable as $r_{k}(t)=(1/B_{k})(P_{k}\rho(t))$ using the
direction of the projection operator $B_{k}\equiv L_{l}'\rho_{s}/\Lambda_{kl}$ with
a normalization factor of $\Lambda_{kl}\equiv Tr r_{k}L_{l}'\rho_{s}$. In the procedure
described in EAPS in Ref. (11), we derive the equation of kinetic for the expected value of the dynamic variable
in the existing external field, and then calculate it through the Fourier-Laplace
transform of the time-dependent function as follows: It is defined as $X(\omega_{l})\equiv
FLT[X(t)]\equiv\int_{0}^{\infty}\exp(-i\omega_{l}t)X(t)dt$. We obtain the linear response
formula in the energy space( ω-space) as
where $A_{kl}\equiv(-i/\hbar\Lambda_{kl})Tr r_{k}L_{s}L_{l}'\rho_{s}$, the scattering
factor function, $\Xi_{k l}\left(\omega_{l}\right)$ is
$Q_{k}\equiv 1-P_{k}$ and the propagator, $G_{k}^{q}(\omega_{l})$ is
Eq. (3) appears to be similar to that derived using the quantum Langevin approach, as shown
by Hu and O’Connell in Ref.
(2). However, the scattering factor function,
Eq. (4) is noticeably different from the formula derived from Hu and O’Connell. We can apply
the theory of
Eq. (3) in various condensed matter systems. When a static magnetic field of $\vec{B}=B_{z}\hat
z$ is applied to an electronic system, a single electron energy state is quantized
to the Landau levels. We select an electronic system trapped in the infinite square
well potential (SQWP) between and z in the z-direction. Using the Landau gauge $\vec{A}\equiv(0,\:Bx,\:0)$,
we have a single electron Hamiltonian e given by
and we obtain the eigenstate of the system, as below,
where the plane wave is given by $\widetilde\Phi_{kr}^{(pl\omega)}\equiv\exp(ik_{y}y)$,
and the explicit function is given by
Here $H_{N_{a}}(x)$ is the Hermite polynomials function, $l_{0}=\sqrt{\hbar /e B}$
is the radius of cyclotron motion, $\omega_{c}=e B/m_{e}^{*}$ is the cyclotron frequency,
$m_{e}^{*}$ is the electron effective mass, $x_{a}=-\hbar k_{za}/e B$$=-\hbar k_{za}/m_{e}^{*}\omega_{0}$
is the center of cyclotron motion and $x_{1}\equiv x-x_{a}$. The confined wave function
where $K_{n_{a}}$ and $k_{n_{a}}$(quantization condition for the z-direction components
of the electro wave vector of $K$ and $k$) are obtained by solving the simultaneou
use quations $K =-k\cot kz_{0}$ and $K +k=2m_{e}^{*}U_{0}/\hbar$, with the conditions
$0< K$ and $0<k$. Here the square well confinement potential $U(z)\equiv U_{0}$ is
a constant potential in the region $0<z<z_{0}$, and $U(z)\equiv\infty$ in the region
$z<0,\: z_{0}<z$. The values of the normalization factors are $\widetilde C_{G}\equiv
1/\sqrt{L_{y}},\:\widetilde N_{r}\equiv 1/\sqrt{(\sqrt{\pi}2^{N}N !l_{0})}$. The values
of the normalization factors are subject to change in other systems. We obtain the
corresponding eigenvalue as
where $L_{z(sys)}\equiv z_{0}$ is the size of materials in z-direction.
If we consider a many body system which is subject to external fields $E_{+}(t)=E_{0}\exp(i\omega
t)$ by circularly polarized oscillatory where $\omega$ is the angular frequency then,
using Coulomb gauge $\vec{E}(t)=-\partial\vec{A}(t)/\partial t$, the total Hamiltonian
of the system is $H(t)=H_{s}+H'(t)=H_{s}+(-i/\omega)J^{+}E_{+}(t)$. The many-electron
current operators $J^{\pm}$ are defined as $J^{+}=j_{x}\pm ij_{y}$ and $J_{\beta}^{-}=\sum_{\beta}(j_{\beta}^{+})^{+}\alpha_{\beta}^{+}\alpha_{\beta
+1}$ where $j^{\pm}=j_{x}\pm ij_{y}$ are two components of the single electro current
operator , $j_{\beta}^{+}\equiv\sum_{\beta}\left <\beta +1\left | j^{+}\right |\beta\right
> =\widetilde g_{(sys)}\sum_{\beta}\sqrt{(N_{\beta}+1)_{\beta}}$ elements of the matrix
are and $j_{\beta}^{-}=(j_{\beta}^{+})^{*}\equiv\sum_{\beta}\left <\beta\left | j^{+}\right
|\beta +1\right >$$=\widetilde{g}_{(sys)}\sum_{\beta}\sqrt{(N_{\beta})}$, where $\widetilde{g}_{(sys)}\equiv(-ie\hbar
/m_{e}^{*})\sqrt{1/l_{0}^{2}}$. The $\widetilde{g}_{(sys)}$ can be changed in other
systems and external fields. Here $\alpha_{1}(\alpha_{2}^{+})$ is the annihilation
operator (creation operator) of fermions, and $|\beta >(|\alpha >)$ is the eigenstate
of single electron.
We derive the system Hamiltonian of the electron-phonon interacting system as
where $H_{e}$ is Hamiltonian of the electrons, $H_{0}$ is a single electron Hamiltonian,
$H_{p}$ is the phonon Hamiltonian and $V$ is the electron-phonon (or impurity) interaction
Hamiltonian, the $\alpha_{1}(\alpha_{2}^{+})$ and $b_{1}(b_{2}^{+})$are the annihilation
operator( or creation operator) of fermion and boson particles, and $\vec{q}$ is phonon
(or impurity) wave vector.
$C_{\alpha ,\:\mu}(q)$ is the electron-phonon interaction coupling matrix element,
$\vec{r}$ is the position vector of the electron and $V_{q}$ is the coupling coefficient
of the materials. The electron-deformation potential phonon interaction parameter
$V_{q}$ in the isotropic interaction formalism is given by $V(q)^{2}=\dfrac{\overline{K}^{2}\hbar\nu_{s}e^{2}}{2\chi\epsilon_{0}q
V}q$ where $\overline{K}$ is the electromechanical constant. Also $\chi$ is the dielectric
constant. Since the long wavelength approximation $\omega_{q}\approx\nu_{s}q$ is suitable
for describing deformation potential materials (semiconductors), it use Kubo’s approximation
for phonon energy $\hbar\omega_{q}\approx\hbar\nu_{s}q$, where $\nu_{s}$ is sound
velocity in a solid.
3. The Scattering Factor Function and the Absorption Power Formula
We assume that an oscillating electric field $E(t)=E_{0}\exp(i\omega t)$ is applied
along the z axis to give $P(\omega)=(E_{0}^{2}/2)Re\sigma(\omega)$ the absorption
force transmitted to the system. Where “Re” represents the actual component and $\sigma(\omega)$
is the optical conductivity tensor, which is the formula coefficient. Here the scattering
factor function means the optical QTLW, and the absorption power means the optical
In order to apply the linear response formula to optical quantum transition systems
in a RCPEF(right circularly polarized external field), we replace $r_{k}$ with $J_{k}\equiv
J^{-},\: L'_{l}X$ with $L'_{l}X\equiv(-i/\omega)[J^{+},\:X]$ and $J_{l}\equiv J^{+}$for
the current system under an oscillating of frequency ωat external field. We obtain
the Ohmic right circular current from the response formula,
where is $\Lambda_{k l}^{(R)}=-\left\{\left(\frac{i}{\omega}\right) \sum_{\alpha}
j_{\alpha+1, \alpha}^{+} j_{\alpha, \alpha+1}^{+}\left(f_{\alpha+1}-f_{\alpha}\right)\right\},
A_{k l}^{(R)}=i \omega_{c}$.
Using the properties of the projection operator and the conventional series expansion
of the propagator $G_{k}^{q}(\omega_{l})$. In a pair-interacting system, the scattering
factor is obtained in simple form using a weakly interacting system approximation,
as below,
where the diagonal propagator is $G_{d}= 1/(\hbar\omega -L_{d})$. Here we use the
where $\langle\cdots\rangle$ denotes the ensemble average of electron states.
In this work, we use a more rigorous interacting Hamiltonian commutative calculation
with the MWC(moderately weak coupling) given by
The above relation is used to obtain the matrix element of the electron-phonon interaction
system. The scattering factor function $\Xi_{k l}\left(\omega_{1}\right)$ is complex
as $\Xi_{k l}\left(\omega_{l}\right) \equiv i \Delta_{\text {total }}+\gamma_{\text
{total }}(\omega)$. In most cases, the imaginary component of scattering factor $\Delta_{\text
{total }} \equiv \operatorname{Im} \Xi_{k l}\left(\omega_{l}\right)$ gives the line
shift of the response type formula, and the real component of scattering factor $\gamma_{t
o t a l}(\omega) \equiv \operatorname{Re} \Xi_{k l}(\omega)$ gives half the width
of the response type formula.
In most cases, the imaginary component of the scattering factor $\triangle_{total}$
is ignored as a small value term in real systems. Then, through continuous approximation,
we get the final derivation of the absorption force formula (or QTLS formula) as Eqs.(17)
in the right circularly polarized outer field system.
where the scattering factor function (or QTLW) is given by
The integrand-factors $Y_{\alpha ,\:\beta}^{(R)\mp}$ are complex.
4. Analysis of the QTLS and the QTLW
Analyze the absorption power and line widths of germanium (Ge) by numerically calculating
the theoretical results of optical QTLS and optical QTLW obtained to use the Liouville
equation method projected from EAPS. It is well known that deformation-potential scattering
predominates in pure germanium (Ge). The band structure of Germanium (Ge) can be approximated
by an elliptical shape. The band structures of Ge can be approximated to be ellipsoidal.
We use the values of $\overline{m}=0.22m_{0}$ and $m*=0.35m_{0}$ for the effective
masses of Ge, where $m_{0}$ is the free-electron mass. The other physical constants
of Ge are $\rho =5.36g/cm^{3}$, $\epsilon_{g}(0)=0.744e V$, $\nu_{s}=5.95\times 10^{5}cm/s$,
$\xi =235K$ and $K=4.77\times 10^{-4}e V/K$. The widely accepted value of the deformation
potential coupling parameter is used. We use $E_{l}=13.2 \mathrm{eV}$ for Ge. Insert
these constants into the EAPS theory to get a line shape from which line width can
be measured. Inserting these constants into Eqs. (17)-(18) yields the line shapes
from which the line width can be measured.
In FIG. 1, the relativity frequency (Δω) dependence of the absorption power (QTLS), $P^{(Jc)}(Δω)$
of Ge, with λ=220, 394, 513μm at T=30K can be observed. From the graph of $P^{(Jc)}(Δω)$,
we can see the broadening effects near the resonance peaks for various external fields.
The small graph above shows the location of the resonant peak relative to the external
field and the magnetic field dependence of the maximum absorbed power. The analysis
of the relativity frequency(Δω) dependence of the absorption power (QTLS) reveals
the magnetic field dependence of the absorption power, which is provided by the external
field wavelength and system conditions.
Fig. 1. The relative frequency (Δω) dependence of absorption power (QTLS) of Ge, with
λ=220, 394 and 513μm (from the bottom line) at T=30K
FIG. 2, shows the magnetic field dependence of QTLW, $γ(T)$ of Ge, at T=30, 50, 55, 60,
70, 75, 80, 90 and 120K. The results also provide a reasonable explanation for the
directional properties of the electromagnetic motion given by the magnetic field direction
and the state of the system. We see that the $γ^{(Jc)}(B)$ term increases as the magnetic
field increases at the majority of the temperatures measured. The magnetic field dependence
analysis of QTLW is very difficult in other theories or experiments because it requires
calculation or observation of the absorption power at various external field wavelengths.
EAPS’ QTR theory has the advantage that QTLW can be obtained directly through EAPS
at various external field wavelengths. Therefore, the calculation of absorption power
is not necessary to obtain QTLW
(12). For RCF, we denote the total QTLW as $\gamma^{(J c)}_{\text {total }} \equiv \gamma(T)_{\text
{intraL }}^{(J c)}+\gamma(T)_{\text {int } e r L}^{(J c)}$ to analyze the quantum
transfer process. Where $\gamma_{\text {interL }}^{(J c)} \equiv \gamma_{\text {interL
}}^{(J) e m}+\gamma_{\text {interL }}^{(J) a b}$ and $\gamma_{\text {intraL }}^{(J
c)} \equiv \gamma_{\text {intraL }}^{(J c) e m}+\gamma_{\text {intraL }}^{(J c) a
t}$ are the QTLWs of the total absorption transition and phonon emission processes,
Here, $\gamma_{\text {int } e r L}^{(J) e m} \equiv \gamma_{0,1}^{\left(J_{c}\right)+}
\quad \gamma_{\text {int } r a L}^{(J) e m} \equiv \gamma_{0,0}^{(J c)+}, \quad \gamma_{\text
{int } e r L}^{(J c) a b} \equiv \gamma_{0,1}^{(J)-}$ and $\gamma_{\text {int } r
a L}^{(J c) a b} \equiv \gamma_{0,0}^{(J c)-}$ are the QTLW of the inter-level emission
transition, intra-level emission transition process, the inter-level absorption transition
and intra-level emission absorption, respectively.
Fig. 2. The magnetic field dependence of QTLW, of Ge at T=30, 50, 55, 60, 70, 75,
80, 90 and 120K (from the bottom line)
FIG. 3, comparisons of the magnetic field dependence of QTLW, $\gamma(B)_{total}$, $\gamma(B)_{intraL}$,
and $\gamma(B)_{interL}$ of Ge, at T=30K are given. We see that the $γ(T)^{(Jc)}$$_{interL}$
term increases as the magnetic field increases. We also see that the intra-level emission
transition process is a more dominant contributor to the scattering effect than the
intra-level transition process, as the $γ(T)^{(Jc)}$$_{interL}$ value is closer to
$γ(T)^{(GaAs)}$$_{total}$. The analysis of th e contributions of the two processes
to the total scattering effect represents the characteristic of the magnetic field
dependence of the scattering effect of the system. The contributions of the two processes
can be also observed in various cases in various systems. In this work, our result
show that values QTLW are $γ(T)^{(Jc)}$$_{interL}$ < $γ(T)^{(Jc)}$$_{interL}$ < $γ(T)^{(Jc)}$$_{total}$.
The results have a similarity to the temperature dependence of the scattering effect
FIG. 3.
Fig. 3. Comparisons of the magnetic field dependence of QTLW, γ(B)total,
γ(B)intraL and γ(B)interL of Ge, at T=30K
Fig. 4. The relative frequency (Δω) of absorption power, of Ge in cases with total,
with γ(T) and P(B) with interL with λ=220, 394 and 513μm at T=30K
FIG. 4, we also compare the QTLS, $P(B)$ of Ge with the $γ(T)_{total}$, $P(B)$ with $γ(T)_{interL}$
and $P(B)$ with $γ(T)interL$. Since the scattering effect value is inversely related
to the broadening of the power absorptions, we see a good agreement between $γ(T)$
with λ=220, 394 and 513μm, at T=30K (
FIG. 3) and the broadening of the power absorptions $P(B)$ (
FIG. 4). We can also see from these analyses that the more dominant expansion effect in
the germanium(Ge) quantum limit low temperature region is the phonon intra-level emission
process. Our results also indicate that EAPS’ QTR theory has the potential to explain
quantum transitions in various cases.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that our EAPS theory provides a simpler
methodology for the analysis of the various cases being presented than competing theories,
as the number of computational steps required by EAPS is reduced. The EAPS theory
can expand the theory by separating the line width in each quantum transition aspect
for various cases. The advantage of EAPS theory is that it allows a simple analysis
of each quantum transfer process. Finally, we expect that the EAPS theory is also
useful in other condensed material systems.
This research has been supported by the Dong-A university.
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