Mobile QR Code QR CODE : The Korean Institute of Power Electronics
Title A Zero-Current-Zero-Voltage-Transition Flyback Converter using Auxiliary Circuit
Authors Hyeon-Seung Ju ; Hyun-Chil Choi
Page pp.397-402
ISSN 1229-2214
Keywords ZCT(Zero-Current-Transition) ; ZCZVT(Zero-Current-Zero-Voltage-Transition) ; Soft-switching ; Flyback converter
Abstract In this study, a high-efficiency flyback converter that uses a soft-switching auxiliary circuit is proposed. The structure of the proposed converter adds an inductor, switch, diode, and capacitor to the conventional flyback converter. The switch in the auxiliary circuit and the main switch are turned on and off under soft-switching conditions. Therefore, the switching losses of the proposed flyback converter are considerably smaller than those of conventional flyback converters. The performance of the proposed flyback converter is validated by experiments on a 100 W single-output flyback converter prototype, and design guidelines are presented.